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Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award was conferred ______ Mary Kom, a six-time world champion in boxing, recently in a ceremony _____ the Rashtrapati Bhawan (the President’s o...
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Despite a string of poor performances, the chances of $K.L.$ Rahul’s selection in the team are ________slimbrightobviousuncertain
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Select the word that fits the analogy:$\text{Cover : Uncover :: Associate :}$ _______UnassociateInassociateMisassociateDissociate
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Hit by floods, the kharif (summer sown) crops in various parts of the country have been affected. Officials believe that the loss in production of the kharif crops can be...
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The difference between the sum of the first $2n$ natural numbers and the sum of the first $n$ odd natural numbers is ______$n^2-n$$n^2+n$$2n^2-n$$2n^2+n$
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Repo rate is the rate at which Reserve Bank of India $\text{(RBI)}$ lends commercial banks, and reverse repo rate is the rate at which $\text{(RBI)}$ borrows money from c...
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$P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,$ and $W$ are seated around a circular table.$S$ is seated opposite to $W$$U$ is seated at the second place to the right of $R$$T$ is seated at the third p...
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The distance between Delhi and Agra is $233$ km. A car $P$ started travelling from Delhi to Agra and another car $Q$ started from Agra to Delhi along the same road $1$ ho...
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For a matrix $M=[m_{ij}]; \: i,j=1,2,3,4$, the diagonal elements are all zero and $m_{ij}=-m_{ji}$. The minimum number of elements required to fully specify the matrix is...
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The profit shares of two companies $P$ and $Q$ are shown in the figure. If the two companies have invested a fixed and equal amount every year, then the ratio of the tota...
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An irreversible gas phase reaction $2 \textbf{P} \rightarrow 4 \textbf{Q} + \textbf{R}$ is conducted in an isothermal and isobaric batch reactor. Assume ideal gas behavio...
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Consider two Carnot engines $C_1$ and $C_2$ as shown in the figure.The efficiencies of the engines $C_1$ and $C_2$ are $0.40$ and $0.35$, respectively. If the temperature...
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Consider the following closed loop system with $G_p$ and $G_c$ as the transfer functions of the process and the controller, respectively.For a unit step change in the set...
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The decomposition of acetaldehyde $(X)$ to methane and carbon monoxide follows four-step free radical mechanism. The overall rate of decomposition of $X$ is $$-r_X=k_2 \b...
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Sum of the eigenvalues of the matrix $\begin{bmatrix} 2 & 4 & 6 \\ 3 & 5 & 9 \\ 12 & 1 & 7 \end{bmatrix}$ is ______ (round off to nearest integer).
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In a box, there are $5$ green balls and $10$ blue balls. A person picks $6$ balls randomly. The probability that the person has picked $4$ green balls and $2$ blue balls ...
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The maximum value of the function $f(x)=-\dfrac{5}{3} x^3 +10x^2-15x+16$ in the interval $(0.5,3.5)$ is$0$$8$$16$$48$
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$SO_2$ from air is absorbed by pure water in a counter current packed column operating at constant pressure. The compositions and the flow rates of the streams are shown ...
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Two film theory applies for absorption of a solute from a gas mixture into a liquid solvent. The interfacial mass transfer coefficient (in $mol \: m^{-2} \: s^{-1}$) for ...
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Consider the equilibrium data for methanol-water system at $1$ bar given in the future below.A distillation column operating at $1.0$ bar is required to produce $92 \: mo...
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Consider the gas phase reaction $N_2O_4 \rightleftarrows 2NO_2$ occuring in an isothermal and isobaric reactor maintained at $298 K$ and $1.0$ bar. The standard Gibbs ene...
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A tank initially contains a gas mixture with $21\:mol\:\% $ oxygen and $79\:mol\:\%$ nitrogen. Pure nitrogen enters the tank, and a gas mixture of nitrogen and oxygen exi...
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Consider steady, laminar, fully developed flow of an incompressible Newtonian fluid through two horizontal straight pipes, $I$ and $II$, of circular cross section. The vo...
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Equilibrium data for a binary mixture of $E$ and $F$ at two different pressure is shown in the figure.It is desired to process a feed containing $80 \text{ mol } \% E$ an...
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A hollow cylinder of equal length and inner diameter (i.e., $L=D$) is sealed at both ends with flat plate, as shown in the figure. Its inner surfaces, $A_1$, $A_2$, and $...
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A student performs a flow experiment with Bingham Plastic under fully developed laminar flow conditions in a tube of radius $0.01 \: m$ with a pressure drop $(\Delta P)$ ...
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A feed stream containing pure species $L$ flows into a reactor, where $L$ is partly converted to $M$ as shown in the figure.The mass flow rate of the recycle stream is $2...
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A U-tube manometer contains two manometric fluids of densities $1000 \: kg \: m^{-3}$ and $600 \: kg \: m^{-3}$. When both the limbs are open to atmosphere, the differenc...
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A pure gas obeys the equation of state given by $$\dfrac{PV}{RT} = 1 + \dfrac{BP}{RT}$$ where $P$ is the pressure, $T$ is the absolute temperature, $V$ is the molar volum...
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Consider one mole of an ideal gas in a closed system. It undergoes a change in state from $L$ to $N$ through two different non-isothermal processes, as shown in the $P-V$...
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A fluid is heated from $40^{\circ}C$ to $60^{\circ} C$ in a countercurrent, double pipe heat exchanger. Hot fluid enters at $100^{\circ}C$ and exits at $70^{\circ}C$. The...
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Consider an infinitely long rectangular fin exposed to a surrounding fluid at a constant temperature $T_a=27^{\circ}C$.The steady state one dimensional energy balance on ...
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Liquid water is pumped at a volumetric flow rate of $0.02 \: m^3 s^{-1}$ from Tank $I$ to Tank $II$, as shown in the figure.Both the tanks are open to the atmosphere. The...
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An elementary liquid phase reversible reaction $P \leftrightarrows Q$ is carried out in an ideal continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) operated at steady state. The rate...
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An aqueous suspension at $60^{\circ}C$ is fed to the first effect of a double effect forward feed evaporator with a mass flow rate of $1.25 \: kg \: s^{-1}$. The sum of t...
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A vertically held packed bed has a height of $1 \: m$, and void fraction of $0.1$, when there is no flow through the bed. The incipient (minimum) fluidization is set in b...
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Two ideal cross-current stages operate to extract $P$ from a feed containing $P$ and $Q$, as shown below.The mass flow rates of $P$ and $Q$ fed to Stage $1$ are $1,000 \:...
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Consider a vertically falling film of water over an impermeable wall. The film is in contact with a static pool of an non-reactive pure gas. The gas diffuses into the wat...
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An exothermic, aqueous phase, irreversible, first order reaction, $Y \rightarrow Z$ is carried out in an ideal continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) operated adiabatical...
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The liquid phase irreversible reactions, $P \xrightarrow[]{k_1} Q$ and $P \xrightarrow[]{k_2} R$, are carried out in an ideal continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) opera...