Recent questions tagged gate2014

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Anuj, Bhola, Chandan, Dilip, Eswar and Faisal live on different floors in a six-storeyed building (the ground floor is numbered $1,$ the floor above it $2,$ and so on). A...
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Find the odd one in the following group: $\text{ALRVX, EPVZB, ITZDF, OYEIK}$$\text{ALRVX}$$\text{EPVZB}$$\text{ITZDF}$$\text{OYEIK}$
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If $y=5x^{2}+3,$ then the tangent at $x=0,y=3$passes through $x=0,y=0$has a slope of $+1$is parallel to the $x$-axishas a slope of $-1$
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A foundry has a fixed daily cost of Rs $50,000$ whenever it operates and a variable cost of Rs $800Q,$ where $Q$ is the daily production in tonnes. What is the cost of pr...
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The smallest angle of a triangle is equal to two thirds of the smallest angle of a quadrilateral. The ratio between the angles of the quadrilateral is $3:4:5:6.$ The larg...
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One percent of the people of country $X$ are taller than $6$ ft. Two percent of the people of country $Y$ are taller than $6$ ft. There are thrice as many people in count...
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The monthly rainfall chart based on $50$ years of rainfall in Agra is shown in the following figure. Which of the following are true? ($k$ percentile is the value such th...
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Rajan was not happy that Sajan decided to do the project on his own. On observing his unhappiness, Sajan explained to Rajan that he preferred to work independently.Which ...
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A student is required to demonstrate a high level of comprehension of the subject, especially in the social sciences.The word closest in meaning to comprehension isunders...
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Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the following sentence.One of his biggest ______ was his ability to forgive.vicevirtueschoicesst...
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Match the raw materials of Group-$1$ and $2$ with the final products of Group-$3$$$\begin{array}&&\textbf{Group 1} & \textbf{Group 2} & \textbf{Group 3} \\ &\text{P$_{1}$...
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Consider the following block diagram for a closed-loop feedback control system A proportional controller is being used with $K_{c}=-4$. If a step change in distrubance of...
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In a steady and incompressible flow of a fluid (density = $1.25\: kg\: m^{-3}$), the difference between stagnation and static pressures at the same location in the flow i...
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Consider a binary liquid mixture at equilibrium with its vapour at $25^{\circ}C$.Antoine equation for this system is given as $log_{10}\:p_{t}^{sat}=A-\frac{B}{t+C}$ wher...
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A process with transfer function, $G_{p}=\frac{2}{s-1}$ is to be controlled by a feedback proportional controller with a gain $K_{c}$. If the transfer functions of all ot...
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Determine the correctness or otherwise of the following Assertion $[a]$ and Reason $[r]$Assertion: Significant combustion of coke takes place only if it is heated at high...
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Match the following$$\begin{array}&&\textbf{Group I} & \textbf{Group II} \\ &\text{P. Turbulence} & \text{I. Reciprocating pump}\\&\text{Q. $NPSH$} & \text{II. Packed be...
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In a steady incompressible flow, the velocity distribution is given by $\bar{V}=3x\hat{i}-Py\hat{j}+5z\hat{k}$, where, $V$ is in $m/s$ and $x,y$ and $z$ are in $m$. In or...
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The bottom face of a horizontal slab of thickness $6 \:mm$ is maintained at $300^{\circ}C$. The top face is exposed to a flowing gas at $30^{\circ}C$. The thermal conduct...
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A step change of magnitude $2$ is introduced into a system having the following transfer function$$G\left ( s \right )=\frac{2}{s^{2}+2s+4}$$The percent overshoot is ____...
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A polymer plant with a production capacity of $10,000$ tons per year has an overall yield of $70\%$, on mass basis ($kg$ of product per $kg$ of raw material), The raw mat...
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A cash flow of Rs. $12,000$ per year is received at the end year (uniform periodic payment) for $7$ consecutive years. The rate of interest is $9\%$ per year compounded a...
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Given below is a simplified block diagram of a feedforward control system.The transfer function of the process is $G_{p}=\frac{5}{s+1}$ and the disturbance transfer funct...
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Match the following$$\begin{array}&&\textbf{Group I} & \textbf{Group II} \\ &\text{P. Tank in series model} & \text{I. Non-isothermal reaction}\\&\text{Q. Liquid-liquid ...
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Carbon monoxide $(CO)$ is burnt in pressure of $200\%$ excess pure oxygen and the flame temperature achieved is $2298\:K$. The inlet streams are at $25^{\circ}$. The stan...
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Two elemental gases ($A$ and $B$) are reacting to form a liquid ($C$) in a steady state process as per the reaction $A+B{\rightarrow}C$. The single-pass conversion of the...
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An incompressible fluid is flowing through a contraction section of length $L$ and has a $1-D$ ($x$- direction steady state velocity distribution, $u=u_{0}\left ( 1+\frac...
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A binary distillation column is operating with a mixed feed containing $20$ mol$\%$ vapour. If the feed quality is changed to $80$ mol$\%$ vapour, the change is the slope...
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A vapour phase catalytic reaction $(Q+R{\rightarrow}S)$ follows Rideal mechanism ($R$ and $S$ are not absorbed). Initially, the mixture contains only the reactants in equ...
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A homogenous reaction $(R{\rightarrow}P)$ occurs in a batch reactor. The conversion of the reactant $R$ is $67\%$ after $10$ minutes and $80\%$ after $20$ minutes. The ra...
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In rolling of two fair dice, the outcome of an experiments is considered to be the sum of the numbers appearing on the dice. The probability is highest for the outcome of...
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Consider the following two normal distributions$f_{1}\left ( x \right )=exp\left ( -\pi x^{2} \right )$$f_{2}\left ( x \right )=\frac{1}{2 \pi}exp\left \{ -\frac{1}{4\pi ...
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An oil with a flow rate of $1000\:kg/h$ is to be cooled using water in a double-pipe counter-flow heat exchanger from a temperature of $70^{\circ}C$ to $40^{\circ}C$. Wat...
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A brick wall of $20\:cm$ thickness has thermal conductivity of $0.7\:W\:m^{-1}\:K^{-1}$. An insulation of thermal conductivity $0.2\:W\:m^{-1}\:K^{-1}$ is to be applied o...
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A wet solid of $100\:kg$ is dried from a moisture content of $40\:wt\%$ to $10\:wt\%$. The critical moisture content is $15\:wt\%$ and the equilibrium moisture content is...
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A spherical ball of benzoic acid (diameter=$1.5\:cm$) is submerged in a pool of still water. The solubility and diffusively of benzoic acid in water are $0.03$ $k$mol/$m^...
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Which $ONE$ of the following is $CORRECT$ for an ideal gas in a closed system?$\left ( \frac{\partial U}{\partial V} \right )_{s}V=nR\left ( \frac{\partial U}{\partial S}...
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The differential equation $\frac{d^{2}y}{dx^{2}}+x^{2}\frac{dy}{dx}+x^{3}y=e^{x}$ is a non-linear differential equation of first degreelinear differential equation of fir...
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The integrating factor for the differential equation$\frac{dy}{dx}-\frac{y}{1+x}=\left ( 1+x \right )$ is$\frac{1}{1+x}$$(1+x)$$x(1+x)$$\frac{x}{1+x}$
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Consider the following differential equation$\frac{dy}{dx}=x+In\:\left ( y \right ); y=2 \: at \: x=0$The solution of this equation at $x=0.4$ using Euler method with a s...