Recent questions tagged gatech-2023

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"You are delaying the completion of the task. Send _________ contributions at the earliest."you areyour you're yore
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References : _______ : : Guidelines : Implement(By word meaning) Sight Site Cite Plagiarise
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In the given figure, PQRS is a parallelogram with $\mathrm{PS}=7 \mathrm{~cm}, \mathrm{PT}=4 \mathrm{~cm}$ and $\text{PV}=5 \mathrm{~cm}$. What is the length of $\mathrm{...
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In $2022,$ June Huh was awarded the Fields medal, which is the highest prize in Mathematics.When he was younger, he was also a poet. He did not win any medals in the Inte...
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A line of symmetry is defined as a line that divides a figure into two parts in a way such that each part is a mirror image of the other part about that line.The given fi...
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Human beings are one among many creatures that inhabit an imagined world. In this imagined world, some creatures are cruel. If in this imagined world, it is given that th...
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To construct a wall, sand and cement are mixed in the ratio of $3: 1$. The cost of sand and that of cement are in the ratio of $1:2.$If the total cost of sand and cement ...
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The World Bank has declared that it does not plan to offer new financing to Sri Lanka, which is battling its worst economic crisis in decades, until the country has an ad...
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The coefficient of $x^{4}$ in the polynomial $(x-1)^{3}(x-2)^{3}$ is equal to___________.$33$$-3$$30$$21$
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Which one of the following shapes can be used to tile (completely cover by repeating) a flat plane, extending to infinity in all directions, without leaving any empty spa...
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Which one of the following is the CORRECT value of $y,$ as defined by the expression given below? $$y=\lim _{x \rightarrow 0} \frac{2 x}{e^x-1}$$$1$$2$$0$$\infty$
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The vector $\overrightarrow{\boldsymbol{v}}$ is defined as$$\overrightarrow{\boldsymbol{v}}=z x \hat{\imath}+2 x y \hat{\jmath}+3 y z \hat{k} .$$Which one of the followin...
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Given that$$F=\frac{\left|z_1+z_2\right|}{\left|z_1\right|+\left|z_2\right|},$$where $z_1=2+3 i$ and $z_2=-2+3 i$ with $i=\sqrt{-1}$, which one of the following options i...
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For a two-dimensional plane, the unit vectors, $\left(\hat{e}_r, \hat{e}_\theta\right)$ of the polar coordinate system and $(\hat{\imath}, \hat{\jmath})$ of the cartesian...
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Which one of the following statements related to octane number is NOT correct?Linear alkanes with higher carbon number have higher octane number.Branching in linear alkan...
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Which one of the following options represents the major components of oleum?Sulfuric acid and nitric acidConcentrated sulfuric acid and petroleum jellySulfuric acid and h...
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For a reversible endothermic chemical reaction with constant heat of reaction over the operating temperature range, $K$ is the thermodynamic equilibrium constant. Which o...
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Nitrile rubber is manufactured via polymerization process. Which one of the following options is the $\text{CORRECT}$ pair of monomers used in this process?Acrylonitrile ...
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John and Jane independently performed a thermodynamic experiment, in which $\mathbf{X}$ and $\mathbf{Y}$ represent the initial and final thermodynamic states of the syste...
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For a packed-bed comprising of uniform-sized spherical particles of diameter $D_{\mathrm{p}}$, the pressure drop across the bed is given by the Kozeny-Carman equation whe...
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Match the quantities in Group $1$ with their units in Group $2$ listed in the table below.$$\begin{array}{|l|l|} \hline \qquad \qquad \qquad \textbf{Group 1} & \textbf{Gr...
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A slab of thickness $L$, as shown in the figure below, has cross-sectional area $A$ and constant thermal conductivity $k. T_1$ and $T_2$ are the temperatures at $x=0$ and...
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Spray dryers have many advantages. Which one of the following is NOT an advantage of a typical spray dryer?Has short drying timeProduces hollow spherical particlesHas hig...
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Which one of the following quantities of a flowing fluid is measured using a rotameter?Static pressureDynamic pressureVolumetric flow rateViscosity
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A liquid surge tank has $F_{\text {in }}$ and $F_{\text {out }}$ as the inlet and outlet flow rates respectively, as shown in the figure below. $F_{\text {out }}$ is prop...
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A packed distillation column, with vapor having an average molecular weight of $45 \mathrm{~kg} \cdot \mathrm{kmol}^{-1}$, density of $2 \mathrm{~kg} \cdot \mathrm{m}^{-3...
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An isothermal jacketed continous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) operating at $150^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$ is shown in the figure below. The cold feed entering the system at $30^...
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Consider a system where a Carnot engine is operating between a source and a sink. Which of the following statements about this system is/are $\text{NOT}$ correct?This eng...
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For a fully developed turbulent flow of an incompressible Newtonian fluid through a pipe of constant diameter, which of the following statements is/are $\text{CORRECT?}$R...
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Given that $E$ (in W. $\mathrm{m}^{-2}$ ) is the total hemispherical emissive power of a surface maintained at a certain temperature, which of the following statements is...
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The position $x(t)$ of a particle, at constant $\omega$, is described by the equation$$\frac{d^2 x}{d t^2}=-\omega^2 x.$$The initial conditions are $x(t=0)=1$ and $\left....
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Burning of methane in a combustor yields carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and water vapor. Methane is fed to the combustor at $100 \mathrm{~mol} . \mathrm{hr}^{-1}$, of w...
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The viscosity of an incompressible Newtonian fluid is measured using a capillary tube of diameter $0.5 \mathrm{~mm}$ and length $1.5 \mathrm{~m}$. The fluid flow is lamin...
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A liquid $\boldsymbol{L}$ containing a dissolved gas $\boldsymbol{S}$ is stripped in a countercurrent operation using a pure carrier gas $\boldsymbol{V}$. The liquid phas...
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In a binary gas-liquid system, $N_{A, E M D}$ is the molar flux of a gas $A$ for equimolar counter diffusion with a liquid $B . N_{A, U M D}$ is the molar flux of $A$ for...
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An exhibition was held in a hall on $15$ August $2022$ between $\text{3 PM}$ and $\text{4 PM}$ during which any person was allowed to enter only once. Visitors who entere...
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Simpson's one-third rule is used to estimate the definite integral$$I=\int_{-1}^1 \sqrt{\left(1-x^2\right)} d x$$with an interval length of $0.5.$ Which one of the follow...
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Match the products in Group $1$ with the manufacturing processes in Group $2$ listed in the table below.$$\begin{array}{|l|l|} \hline \quad \; \textbf{Group 1} & \; \qqua...
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Match the products in Group $1$ with the catalysts in Group $2$ listed in the table below.$$\begin{array}{|l|l|} \hline \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \quad \textbf{Group 1}...
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Water in a container at $290 \mathrm{~K}$ is exposed to air containing $3 \% ~ \mathrm{CO}_2$ by volume. Air behaves like an ideal gas and is maintained at $100 ~ \mathrm...