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The unruly crowd demanded that the accused be _____________ without trial.hangedhanginghankeringhung
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Match the dimensionless numbers in $Group–I$ with the ratios in $Group–2$.$\begin{array}{cc}\\&\text{Group-1} & \text{Group-2} \\ &\text{P. Biot number} & \text{ I. ...
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The variations of the concentration $\left ( C_{A} ,C_{R}\:and\:C_{S}\right )$ for three species $\left ( A,R\:and\:S \right )$ with time, in an isothermal homogeneous ba...
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What is the order of response exhibited by a $U$-tube manometer? Zero orderFirst orderSecond orderThird order
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In a $1-1$ pass shell and tube exchanger, steam is condensing in the shell at a temperature $(T_{s})$ of $135^{\circ}C$ and the cold fluid is heated from a temperature $(...
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A liquid flows through an “equal percentage” valve at a rate of $2\:m^{3}/h$ when the valve is $10\%$ open. When the valve opens to $20\%$ the flowrate increases to $...
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A catalytic reforming plant produces hydrogen and benzene from cyclohexane by de-hydro aromatisation. In order to increase the production of hydrogen, the owner plans to ...
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The solution of the non-linear equation$$x^{3}-x=0$$is to be obtained using Newton-Raphson method. If the initial guess is $x=0.5$, the method converges to which one of t...
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A binary feed consisting of $25$ mol$\%$ liquid and $75$ mol$\%$ vapour is separated in a staged distillation column. The mole fraction of the more volatile component in ...
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The differential equation $\frac{d^{2}y}{dx^{2}}+x^{2}\frac{dy}{dx}+x^{3}y=e^{x}$ is a non-linear differential equation of first degreelinear differential equation of fir...
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A spherical storage vessel is quarter-filled with toluene. The diameter of the vent at the top of the vessel is $1/20^{th}$ of the diameter of the vessel. Under the stead...
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A fraction $f$ of the feed is bypassed and mixed with the permeate to obtain treated water having a fluoride concentration of 1 mg/L. Here also the flow rate of the rejec...
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A plant manufactures compressors at the rate of N units/day. The daily fixed charges are Rs. 20000 and the variable cost per compressor is Rs. 500 + 0.2 N$^{1.3}$. The se...
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In the Tyler standard screen scale series, when the mesh number increase from 3 mesh to 10 mesh, thenthe clear opening decreasesthe clear opening increasethe clear openin...
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The thermodynamic state of a closed system containing a pure fluid changes from $(T1,p1)$ to $(T2, p2)$, where $T$ and $p$ denote the temperature and pressure, respective...
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The final boiling points of gasonline, diesel, atmospheric gas oil $\text{(AGO)}$ and lubricating oils vary as gasonline>diesel>$\text{AGO}$ lubricating oilslubricating o...
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​​​​​Hot oil at $110{ }^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$ heats water from $30^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$ to $70{ }^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$ in a counter-current double-pipe heat exchang...
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A company invests in a recovery unit to separate valuable metals from effluent streams. The total initial capital investment of this unit is Rs. $10$ lakhs. The recovered...
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The probability distribution function of a random variable $X$ is shown in the following figure.From this distribution, random samples with sample size $n=68$ are taken. ...
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Seawater is passed through a column containing a bed of resin beads.Density of seawater $=1025 \: \text{ kg m}^{-3}$Density of resin beads $=1330 \text{ kg m}^{-3}$Diame...
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A double-effect evaporator is used to concentrate a solution. Steam is sent to the first effect at $110\:^{\circ} C$ and the boiling point of the solution in the second e...
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Consider the following closed loop system.$G_c, G_f$ , and $G_p$ are the transfer functions of the controller, the final control element and the process, respectively. $Y...
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The following reaction rate curve is shown for a reaction $A{\rightarrow}P$. Here, $(-r_{A})$ and $X_{A}$ represent reaction rate and conversion, respectively. The feed i...
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Students applying for hostel rooms are allotted rooms in order of seniority. students already staying in a room will move if they get a room in their preferred list. Pref...
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A liquid mixture of ethanol and water is flowing as inlet stream $P$ into a stream splitter. It is split into two streams, $Q$ and $R$, as shown in the figure below.The f...
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Two paper pulp plants $P$ and $Q$ use the same quality of bamboo as a raw material. The chemicals used in their digester are as follows:$$\begin{array}{clcIcI|cI|cI|c}\hl...
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An agitated cylinder vessel is fitted with baffles and flat blade impellers. The power number for this system is given by $N_{p}=\frac{P}{\rho n^{3}D^{5}}$ where $P$ is t...
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For a unit step input, the response of a second order system is$$y\left ( t \right )=K_{p} \left [ 1-\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-\zeta ^{2}}} e^{\frac{\zeta t}{\tau }}\sin\left ( \f...
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For a gas phase cracking reaction $A{\rightarrow}B+C$ at $300^{\circ}$, the Gibbs free energy of the reaction at this temperature is $\Delta G^{\circ}=-2750$ $J$/mol. The...
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A binary mixture of components $(1)$ and $(2)$ forms an azeotrope at $130^{\circ}C$ and $X_{1}=0.3$. The liquid phase non-ideality is described by In $\gamma _{1}=Ax{_{2}...
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A centrifugal pump delivers water at the rate of $0.22 m^{3}/s$ from a reservoir at ground level to another reservoir at a height $H$,through a vertical pipe ot $0.2\:m$ ...
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Rajan was not happy that Sajan decided to do the project on his own. On observing his unhappiness, Sajan explained to Rajan that he preferred to work independently.Which ...
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Consider a binary liquid mixture at equilibrium with its vapour at $25^{\circ}C$.Antoine equation for this system is given as $log_{10}\:p_{t}^{sat}=A-\frac{B}{t+C}$ wher...
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The bottom face of a horizontal slab of thickness $6 \:mm$ is maintained at $300^{\circ}C$. The top face is exposed to a flowing gas at $30^{\circ}C$. The thermal conduct...
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From the following list, identify the properties which are equal in both vapour and liquid phases at equilibriumDensityTemperatureChemical potentialEnthalpy$P$ and $Q$ on...
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For the functionf(z) = $\frac{1}{(2-z)(z+2)}$the residue at z = 2 is $\_\_\_\_\_$
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A wet is dried over a long period of time by unsaturated air of nonzero constant relative humidity. The moisture content eventually attained by the solid is termed as the...
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The rate-controlling step for the solid-catalyzed irreversible reaction $ A + B \longrightarrow C$is known ...
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In petroleum refining, catalytic reforming is used to convertparaffins and naphthenes to armaticsParaffins to hydrogen and carbon monoxideGas oil to diesel and gasonlineL...
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A solid sphere with an initial temperature $T{_1}$ is immersed in a large thermal reservoir of temperature $T{_0}$. The sphere reaches a steady temperature after a certai...