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A countercurrent absorption tower is designed to remove $95\%$ of component $A$ from an incoming binary gas mixture using pure solvent $B$. The mole ratio of $A$ in the i...
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Water (density=$1000\:kg\:m^{-3}$) is pumped at a rate of $36\:m^{3}/h$, from a tank $2\:m$ below the pump, to an overhead pressurized vessel $10\:m$ above the pump. The ...
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Water flows through a smooth circular pipe under turbulent conditions. In the viscous sub-layer, the velocity varies linearly with the distance from the wall. The Fanning...
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A liquid phase irreversible reaction$A{\rightarrow}B$ is carried out in an adiabatic $CSTR$ operating under steady state conditions. The reaction is elementary and follow...
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A spherical naphthalene ball of $2\:mm$ diameter is subliming very slowly in stagnant air at $25^{\circ}C$. The change in the size of the ball during the sublimation can ...
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For which reaction order, the half-Iife of the reactant is half of the full lifetime (time for $100 \%$ conversion) of the reactant ?Zero orderHalf orderFirst orderSecond...
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For complex variable $z$, the value of the contour integral $\frac{1}{2\pi i} \underset{C}{\int }\frac{e^{-2z}}{z(z-3)}dz$ along the clockwise contour $C:\left | z \right...
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A heated solid copper sphere (of surface area $A$ and volume $V$) is immersed in a large body of cold fluid. Assume the resistance to heat transfer inside the sphere to b...
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A proposed chemical plant is estimated to have a fixed capital $(FC)$ of $Rs$. $24$ crores. Assuming other costs to be small, the total investment may be taken to be same...
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Select the $\text{WRONG}$ statement regarding water gas shift converters from the list below.Inter-stage cooling is provided between the two stages of shift converters Us...
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Match the raw materials of Group-$1$ and $2$ with the final products of Group-$3$$$\begin{array}&&\textbf{Group 1} & \textbf{Group 2} & \textbf{Group 3} \\ &\text{P$_{1}$...
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A process with transfer function, $G_{p}=\frac{2}{s-1}$ is to be controlled by a feedback proportional controller with a gain $K_{c}$. If the transfer functions of all ot...
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Integral of the time-weighted absolute error $(ITAE)$ is expressed as$\int _{0}^{\infty }\frac{\left | \varepsilon \left ( t \right ) \right |}{t^{2}}dt$$\int _{0}^{\inft...
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For the time domain function $f(t)=t^{2}$, which $ONE$ of the following is the Laplace transform of $\int _{0}^{t}f\left ( t \right )dt$?$\frac{3}{s^{4}}$$\frac{1}{4s^{2}...
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$\frac{Allengineering students }{I}$ $\frac{should learn mechanics}{II}$, $\frac{mathematics and}{III}$ $\frac{how to do computation}{IV}$Which of the above underlined pa...
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The vapor liquid equilibrium relation for an ideal binary system is given by y*${_A}$ = $\frac{\alpha{_A}{_B}x{_A}}{...
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Liquid reactant A decomposes as follows A $\rightarrow$ R r${_R} $= k${_1}$C$^{2}$${_A}$ k${_1}$ = 0.5m$^{3}$/mol-s...
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A unit gain 2$^{nd}$ order underdamped process has a period of oscillation 1 second and decay ratio 0.25. The transfer function of the process is$\frac{1}{0.024s^2 + 0.06...
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For a Newtonian fluid flowing in a circular pipe under steady state conditions in fully developed laminar flow, the fanning friction factor is0.046Re$^{-0.2}$0.0014 + $\f...
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The number of emails received on six consecutive days is 11, 9, 18, 18, 4 and 15,respectively.what are the median and the mode for these data?18 and 11, respectively13 an...
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Heat integration is planned in a process plant at an investment Rs. 2x10$^{6}$. This would result in a net energy savings of 20 GJ per year. If the nominal rate of intere...
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A batch reactor 1x10$^{5}$ kg of a product per year. The total batch time (in hours) of the reactor is k$\sqrt{P}{_B}$, where ${P}{_B}$is the product per batch in kg and ...
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A thermometer initially at $100^{ \circ}C$ is dipped at $t = 0$ into an oil bath, maintained at $150^{\circ}C$. If the recorded temperature is $130^{\circ}C$ after $1$ mi...
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According to the surface renewal theory, the unit of fractional rate of surface renewal ism$^{2}$ s$^{-2}$m$^{2}$ s$^{-1}$m s$^{-1}$$s^{-1}$
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The Annual Fixed Charges ($AFC$) and Annual Utilities Costs ($AUC$) of a distillation column being designed are expressed in terms of the reflux ratio ($R$) as $AFC$ ($Rs...
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A watch uses two electronic circuits ($ECs$). Each $EC$ has a failure probability of $0.1$ in one year of operation. Both $ECs$ are required for functioning of the watch....
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Consider the block diagram in the figure with control input $u$, disturbance $d$ and output $y$. For the feedforward controller, the ordered pair $(K, \alpha / \beta)$ is...
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​​​​​​Let $r$ and $\theta$ be the polar coordinates defined by $x=r \cos \theta$ and $y=r \sin \theta$. The area of the cardioid $r=a(1-\cos \theta), 0 \leq \...
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Match the product in Group-$1$ with the manufacturing process in Group-$2$. The correct combination is$$\begin{array}{|c|c|} \hline\text{} & \text{Group – 1} & & \text{...
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Consider the following continuously differentiable function $$\textbf{v}(x,y,z)=3x^2y \textbf{ i} + 8y^2z \textbf{ j} + 5xyz \textbf{ k}$$ where $\textbf{i, j,}$ and $\te...
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Stream $A$ with specific heat capacity $C_{PA}=2000\:J/\left ( kg\:K \right )$ is cooled from $90^{\circ}C$ to $45^{\circ}C$ in a concentric double pipe counter current...
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The elementary irreversible gas-phase reaction $A\rightarrow B+C$ is carried out adiabatically in an ideal $CSTR$ (Continuous-Stirred Tank Reactor) operating at 10 $atm$....
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In a venturi meter. $\Delta P_{1}$ and $\Delta P_{2}$ are the pressure drops corresponding to volumetric flowrates $Q_{1}$ and $Q_{2}$. If $Q_{2}/Q_{1}=2$, then $\Delta P...
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The purpose of methanation reaction used in ammonia plants is toremove $CO$ as it is catalyst poisonincrease the amount of hydrogenremove sulphur as it is a catalyst pois...
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An aqueous salt-solution enters a crystallizer operating at steady state at $25^{\circ}C$. The feed temperature is $90^{\circ}C$ and the salt concentration in the feet is...
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In a countercurrent stripping operation using pure steam, the mole ratio of a solute in the liquid stream is reduced from $0.25$ to $0.05$. The liquid feed flowrate, on a...
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The following gas-phase reaction is carried out in a constant-volume isothermal batch reactor$$A+B{\rightarrow}R+S$$The reactants $A$ and $B$ as well as the product $S$ a...
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Match the equipment in Group-$1$ with the process in Group-$2$$\begin{array}{cc}\&\text{Group-$1$} & \text{Group-$2$} \\ &\text{P. Fluidized bed} & \text{ I. Paper-making...
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The old concert hall was demolished because of fears that the foundation would be affected by the construction of the new metro line in the area. Modern technology for un...
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Students taking an exam are divided into two groups, $P$ and $Q$ such that each group has the same number of students. The performance of each of the students in a test w...