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In a closed system, the isentropic expansion of an ideal gas with constant specific heats is represented by
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An isolated system consists of two perfectly sealed cuboidal compartments $A$ and $B$ separated by a movable rigid wall of cross-sectional area $0.1 \mathrm{~m}^{2}$ as s...
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Consider a tank filled with $3$ immiscible liquid $A$, $B$ and $C$ at static equilibrium, as shown in the figure. At $2 \: cm$ below the liquid $A$- liquid $B$ interface,...
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Which one of the following is $\textbf{NOT CORRECT}$?nylon$-6,6$ is produced by condensation polymerizationphenol-formaldehyde resin is a thermosetting polymerhigh densit...
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Consider the processes in $\textbf{Group – 1}$ and the reactions in $\textbf{Group – 2}$.$\begin{array}{llll} & \textbf{Group – 1} & & \textbf{Group – 2} \\ \text...
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Mole fraction and activity coefficient of component $1$ in a binary liquid mixture are $x_1$ and $\gamma _1$ respectively. $G^E$ is excess molar Gibbs energy of the mixtu...
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Match the technologies in Group-$1$ with the entries in Group-$2$:$\begin{array}{cc}\&\text{$Group-1$} & \text{$Group-2$} \\ &\text{P. Urea manufacture} & \text{ I. Micro...
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Match the chemicals written on the left with the raw materials required to produce them mentioned on the right.$\begin{array}{cc}\&\text{I. Single Superphosephate $(SSP)$...
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Which one of the following transfer functions, upon a unit step change in disturbance at $t=0$, will show a stable time domain response with a negative initial slope (i.e...
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Water is flowing under laminar conditions in a pipe of length $L$. If the diameter of the pipe is doubled, for a constant volumetric flow rate, the pressure drop across t...
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Consider the reaction $\mathrm{N}_{2}(\mathrm{~g})+3 \mathrm{H}_{2}(g) \rightleftharpoons 2 \mathrm{NH}_{3}(g)$ in a continuous flow reactor under steady-state conditions...
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A single-effect evaporator with a heat transfer area of $70\:m^{2}$ concentrates a salt solution using steam. The salt solution feed rate and temperature are $10000\:kg\:...
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A system exhibits inverse response for a unit step change in the input. Which one of the following statement must necessarily be satisfied?The transfer function of the sy...
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In oder to achieve the same conversion under identical reaction conditions and feed flow rate for a non-autocatalytic reaction of positive order, the volume of an ideal $...
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​​​​​A simple distillation column separates a binary mixture of $A$ and $B$. The relative volatility of $A$ with respect to $B$ is $2$. The steady-state composi...
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The reversible reaction of $t$-butyl alcohol $(TBA)$ and ethanol $(EtOH)$ to ethyl $t$-butyl ether $(ETBE)$ is$$TBA+Et0H\rightleftharpoons ETBE+water$$The equilibrium con...
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In a completely opaque medium, if $50\%$ of the incident monochromatic radiation is absorbed, then which of the following statements are $CORRECT$$50\%$ of the incident r...
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The packing of an existing absorption tower is replaced with a new type of packing. The height of the packing and the inlet conditions are maintained the same as before. ...
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The local velocity of a fluid along a streamline can be measured byPitot tubeVenturi meterRotameterOrifice meter
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​​​​​​The rate of a reaction $A \rightarrow B$ is $0.2 \mathrm{~mol} \mathrm{~m}^{-3} \mathrm{~s}^{-1}$ at a particular concentration $C_{A 1}$. The rate cons...
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Consider a binary mixture of components $A$ and $B$ at temperature $T$ and pressure $P$. Let $\bar{V}_{A}$ and $\bar{V}_{B}$ be the partial molar volumes of $A$ and $B$, ...
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A chemostat with cell recycle is shown in the figure. The feed flow rate and culture volume are $F=75 \mathrm{~L} \mathrm{~h}^{-1}$ and $V=200 \mathrm{~L}$, respectively....
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For a pure substance, the following data at saturated conditions are given:$$\begin{array}{cccc}\text{ln}\:{P^{\text{sat}} (\text{bar})} & \text{T (K)} \\ 0.693 & 350 \\ ...
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The following isothermal autocatalytic reaction $$ A +B \longrightarrow 2B \quad\quad\quad(-r_A)=0.1C_AC_B(\text{mol } L^{-1} s^{-1})$$is carried out in an ideal continuo...
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The following homogeneous, irreversible reaction involving ideal gases, $$A \longrightarrow B+C \quad\quad\quad(-r_A)=0.5C_A (\text{mol L}^{-1} s^{-1})$$ is carried out i...
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In an experiment setup, mineral oil is filled in between the narrow gap of two horizontal smooth plates. The setup has arrangements to maintain the plates at desired unif...
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In case of a pressure driven laminar flow of a Newtonian fluid of viscosity $(\mu)$ through a horizontal circular pipe, the velocity of the fluid is proportional to$\mu$$...
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​​​​​Sulfur dioxide $\left(\mathrm{SO}_{2}\right)$ gas diffuses through a stagnant air-film of thickness $2 \mathrm{~mm}$ at 1 bar and $30^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$. ...
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Consider two competing equipment $A$ and $B$. For a compound interest rate of $10\%$ per annum, in order for equipment $B$ to be the economically cheaper option, its mini...
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Consider the following properties :$\begin{array}{cc}\&\text{P. temperature} & \text{Q. specific gravity} \\ &\text{R. chemical potential} & \text{ S. volume} \\ \\ \en...
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If $z_{1}=-1+i$ and $z_{2}=2 i$, where $i=\sqrt{-1}$, then $\operatorname{Arg}\left(z_{1} / z_{2}\right)$ is$\frac{3 \pi}{4}$$\frac{\pi}{4}$$\frac{\pi}{2}$$\frac{\pi}{3}$...
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For the electrolytic cell in a chlor-alkali plant, which of the following statements is/are correct?A membrane cell operates at a higher brine concentration than a diaphr...
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Reactant $A$ decomposes to products $B$ and $C$ in the presence of an enzyme in a well-stirred batch reactor. The kinetic rate expression is given by$$-r_A = \dfrac{0.01C...
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​​​​​Two parallel first-order liquid phase reactions $A \xrightarrow{k_{1}} B$ and $A \xrightarrow{k_{2}} C$ are carried out in a well-mixed isothermal batch re...
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Heat is available at a rate of $2 \mathrm{~kW}$ from a thermal reservoir at $400 \mathrm{~K}$. A two-stage process harnesses this heat to produce power. Stages $1$ and $2...
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​​​​Consider a steady, fully-developed, uni-directional laminar flow of an incompressible Newtonian fluid (viscosity $\mu$ ) between two infinitely long horizonta...
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Consider a matrix $\text{A}=\left[\begin{array}{cc}-5 & a \\ -2 & -2\end{array}\right]$, where $a$ is a constant. If the eigenvalues of $\text{A}$ are $-1$ and $-6$, then...
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​​​​​A solid slab of thickness $H_{1}$ is initially at a uniform temperature $T_{0}$. At time $t=0$, the temperature of the top surface at $y=H_{1}$ is increase...
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Consider the steady, uni-directional, fully-developed, pressure-driven laminar flow of an incompressible Newtonian fluid through a circular pipe of inner radius $5.0 \mat...
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​​​​​​Which of the following statements with reference to the petroleum/petrochemical industry is/are correct?Catalytic hydrocracking converts heavier hydroca...