Questions without an upvoted answer in Probability and Statistics

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The probability distribution function of a random variable $X$ is shown in the following figure.From this distribution, random samples with sample size $n=68$ are taken. ...
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In a box, there are $5$ green balls and $10$ blue balls. A person picks $6$ balls randomly. The probability that the person has picked $4$ green balls and $2$ blue balls ...
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Two unbiased dice are thrown. Each dice can show any number between $1$ and $6$. The probability that the sum of the outcomes of the two dice is divisible by $4$ is _____...
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The marks obtained by a set of students are: $38,\:84,\:45,\:70,\:75,\:60,\;48$.The mean and median marks, respectively, are$45$ and $75$$55$ and $48$$60$ and $60$$60$ an...
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A box has $6$ red balls and $4$ white balls. A ball is picked at random and replaced in the box, after which a second ball is picked.The probability of both the balls bei...
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Consider the following two normal distributions$f_{1}\left ( x \right )=exp\left ( -\pi x^{2} \right )$$f_{2}\left ( x \right )=\frac{1}{2 \pi}exp\left \{ -\frac{1}{4\pi ...
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In rolling of two fair dice, the outcome of an experiments is considered to be the sum of the numbers appearing on the dice. The probability is highest for the outcome of...
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The number of emails received on six consecutive days is 11, 9, 18, 18, 4 and 15,respectively.what are the median and the mode for these data?18 and 11, respectively13 an...
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For two rolls of a fair die, the probability of getting a 4 in the first roll and a number less than 4 in the second roll, up to 3 digits after the decimal point, is ____...
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