Recent questions tagged gate2013

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Velocity of an object fired directly in upward direction is given by $V = 80 – 32\: t$, where $t$ (time) is in seconds. When will the velocity be between $32\: m/sec$ a...
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In a factory, two machines $M1$ and $M2$ manufacture $60\%$ and $40\%$ of the autocomponents respectively. Out of the total production, $2\%$ of $M1$ and $3\%$ of $M2$ ar...
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Following table gives data on tourists from different countries visiting India in the year $2011$$$\begin{array}{|cl|cl|} \hline & \textbf{Country} & \textbf{Number of T...
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If $|-2x+9| = 3$ then the possible value of $|-X|-X^2$ would be:$30$$-30$$-42$$42$
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All professors are researchersSome scientists are professorsWhich of the given conclusions is logically valid and is inferred from the above arguments:All scientists are ...
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Consider the following transfer function $G_p(s) = \dfrac{5}{(2s+1)^4}$(Note: The unit of the processor time constan...
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For the computation of Ziegler-Nichols settings, the ultimate period (in s/cycle) and the ultimate gain are $\pi$ and $0.8$, respectively$4\pi$ and $0.8$, respectively$4\...
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Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the pair:$\text{water : pipe ::}$cart: roadelectricity: wiresea: beachmusic: instrument
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Mahatma Gandhi was known for his humility ashe played an important role in humiliating exit of British from India.he worked for humanitarian causes.he displayed modesty i...
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$\frac{Allengineering students }{I}$ $\frac{should learn mechanics}{II}$, $\frac{mathematics and}{III}$ $\frac{how to do computation}{IV}$Which of the above underlined pa...
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The Headmaster ______ to speak to you.Which of the following options is incorrect to complete the above sentence?is wanting.wantswantwas wanting
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If 3 $\le$ X $\le$ 5 and 8 $\le$ Y $\le$ 11 then which of the following options is TRUE?$\frac{3}{5}$ $\le$ $\frac{X}{Y}$ $\le$ $\frac{8}{5}$$\frac{3}{11}$ $\le$ $\frac{X...
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Liquid reactant A decomposes as follows A $\rightarrow$ R r${_R} $= k${_1}$C$^{2}$${_A}$ k${_1}$ = 0.5m$^{3}$/mol-s...
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Liquid reactant A decomposes as follows A $\rightarrow$ R r${_R} $= k${_1}$C$^{2}$${_A}$ k${_1}$ = 0.5m$^{3}$/mol-s...
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A fraction $f$ of the feed is bypassed and mixed with the permeate to obtain treated water having a fluoride concentration of 1 mg/L. Here also the flow rate of the rejec...
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A reverse osmosis unit treats feed water (F) containing fluoride and its output consists of a permeate stream (P) and a reject stream (R). Let C${_F}$, C${_p}$, and C${_R...
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A plant manufactures compressors at the rate of N units/day. The daily fixed charges are Rs. 20000 and the variable cost per compressor is Rs. 500 + 0.2 N$^{1.3}$. The se...
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The vapor liquid equilibrium relation for an ideal binary system is given by y*${_A}$ = $\frac{\alpha{_A}{_B}x{_A}}{...
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The vapor liquid equilibrium relation for an ideal binary system is given by y*${_A}$ = $\frac{\alpha{_A}{_B}x{_A}}{...
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The purchase cost of a heat exchanger of 20 m$^{2}$ area was Rs 500000 in 2006. What will be the estimated cost (in Rs to the nearest integer) of a similar heat exchanger...
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A control value, with a turndown ratio of 50, follows equal percentage characteristics. The flow rate of a liquid through the value at 40% stem positions is 1 m$^{3}$/h. ...
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A first order liquid phase reaction is carried out isothermally at a steady state in a CSTR and 90% conversion is attained. With the same inlet conditions and for the sam...
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The gas phase decomposition of azomethane to give ethane and nitrogen takes place according to the following sequence of elementary reactions.(CH${_3}){_2}$N${_2}$ + (CH$...
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A unit gain 2$^{nd}$ order underdamped process has a period of oscillation 1 second and decay ratio 0.25. The transfer function of the process is$\frac{1}{0.024s^2 + 0.06...
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Match the reactant-product combination in Group 1 with the unit process in Group 2 Group 1 ...
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Identify which of the following statements are FALSE.(P) Oils with an oleic radical (1 double bond) are more suitable than oils with a linolenic radical (3 double bonds) ...
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A study was conducted in which water was pumped through cylindrical pipes made of a sparingly soluble solid. For a given pipe and certain flow conditions, the mass transf...
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The vapor-liquid equilibrium curve of a binary mixture A-B,may be approximated by a linear equation over a narrow range of liquid mole fractions (0.2 < x${_A}$ < 0.3) as...
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Calculate the heat required (in kJ, up to 1 digit after the decimal point) to raise the temperature of 1 mole of a solid material from 100 $^{o}$C to 1000 $^{o}$C. The sp...
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100 ton/h of a rock feed, of which 80% passed through a mesh size of 2.54 mm, were reduced in size such that 80% of the crushed product passed through a mesh size of 1.27...
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In a double pipe counter-current heat exchanger, the temperature profiles shown in the figure were observed. During operation, due to fouling inside the pipe, the heat tr...
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A crosscurrent cascade of N ideal stages is used to treat a feed stream of molar flow rate E. The feed stream contains a solute which is to be recovered by a pure solvent...
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In the elutriation leg of a commercial crystallizer containing a mixture of coarse and very fine crystals of the same material, a liquid is pumped vertically upward. The ...
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The value of the integral${\scriptstyle \int^{0.5} _{0.1}}$ e$^{-x^3}$dxevaluated by Simpson’s rule using 4 subintervals (up to 3 digits after the decimal point) is $\_...
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The solution of the differential equation$\frac{d^2y}{dx^2}$ – $\frac{dy}{dx}$ + 0.25y = 0, given y = 0 at x = 0 and $\frac{dy}{dx}$ = 1 at x = 0 isxe$^{0.5x}$ – xe$...
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The solution of the differential equation$\frac{dy}{dx}$ – y$^{2}$ = 0, given y=1 at x=0 is$\frac{1}{1+x}$$\frac{1}{1-x}$$\frac{1}{(1-x)^2}$$\frac{x^3}{3}$+1
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For the functionf(z) = $\frac{1}{(2-z)(z+2)}$the residue at z = 2 is $\_\_\_\_\_$
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Water (density 1000 kg/m$^{3}$) is flowing through a nozzle, as shown below and exiting to the atmosphere. The relationship the diameters of the nozzle at location 1 and ...
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A binary liquid mixture is in equilibrium with its vapor at a temperature T = 300 K. The liquid mole fraction x${_1}$ of species 1 is 0.4 and the molar excess Gibbs free ...
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In a process occurring in a closed system F, the heat transferred from F to the surroundings E is 600 J. If the temperature of E is 300 K and that of F is in the range 38...