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The $DCDA$ (Double Contact Double Absorption) process is used for the manufacture of ureasulphuric acidnitric acidammonia
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Match the polymerization precesses in Group-$1$ with the polymers in Group-$2$.$\begin{array}{cc}\&\text{Group-1} & \text{Group-2} \\ &\text{P. Free radical polymerizatio...
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A sparingly soluble gas (solute) is in equilibrium with a solvent at $10$ bar. The mole fraction of the solvent in the gas phase is $0.01$. At the operating temperature a...
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A fluid flows over a heated horizontal plate maintain at temperature $T_{W}$. The bulk temperature of the fluid is $T_{\infty }$ . The temperature profile in the thermal...
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The open loop transfer function of a process with a proportional controller (gain $K_{C}$) is$$G_{OL}=K_{C}\frac{e^{-2s}}{s}$$Based on the Bode criterion for closed-loop ...
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Choose the statement $(s)$ where the underlined word is used correctly:A $\underline{\text{prone}}$ is a dried plum.He was lying $\underline{\text{prone}}$ on the floor.P...
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Steam at $100^{\circ}C$ is condensing on a vertical steel plate. The condensate flow is laminar. The average Nusselt numbers are $Nu_{1}$ and $Nu_{2}$, When the plate tem...
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For a pure liquid, the rate of change of vapour pressure with temperature is $0.1$ bar/$K$ in the temperature range of $300$ to $350\:K$. If the boiling point of the liqu...
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Consider a control system with the open loop transfer function given by :$G_{OL}\left ( s \right )=\frac{K_{c}e^{-0.3z}}{1.5s+1}$In the above function, pre-factor of $s$ ...
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The $C$-curve measured during a pulse tracer experiment is shown below. In the figure, $C(t)$ is the concentration of the tracer measured at the reactor exit in mol/liter...
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Students applying for hostel rooms are allotted rooms in order of seniority. students already staying in a room will move if they get a room in their preferred list. Pref...
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Fact: If it rains, then the field is wet.Read the following statements:It rainsThe field is not wetThe field is wetIt did not rainWhich one of the options given below is ...
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A window is made up of a square portion and an equilateral triangle portion above it. The base of the triangular portion coincides with the upper side of the square. If t...
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Hydrogen iodide decomposes through the reaction $2HI\leftrightharpoons H_{_{2}}+I_{2}$. The value of the universal gas constant $R$ is $8.314 \:J\:mol^{-1}K^{-1}$. The ac...
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Two design options for a distillation system are being compared based on the total annual cost. Information available is as follows:$$\begin{array}{clcIcIcI|cI|c}\hline&...
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A cylindrical packed bed of height $1\:m$ is filled with equal sized spherical particles. The particles are nonporous and have a density of $1500$ kg/$m^{3}$. The void fr...
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A typical batch filtration cycle consists of filtration followed by washing. One such filtration unit operating at constant pressure difference first filters a slurry dur...
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The following reaction rate curve is shown for a reaction $A{\rightarrow}P$. Here, $(-r_{A})$ and $X_{A}$ represent reaction rate and conversion, respectively. The feed i...
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What is the solution for the second order differential equation $\frac{\mathrm{d} ^{2}y}{\mathrm{d} x}^{2}+y=0$, with the initial conditions $y\left | _{x-0}=5\:and\:\fra...
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An ideal gas is adiabatically and irreversibly compressed from $3$ bar and $300\:K$ to $6$ bar in a closed system. The work required for the irreversible compression is $...
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A gas obeying the Clausius equation of state is isothermally compressed from $5\:Mpa$ to $15\:MPa$ in a closed system at $400\:K$. The Clausius equation of state is $P=\f...
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A $CSTR$ has a long inlet pipe. A tracer is injected at the entrance of the pipe. The $E$-curve obtained at the exit of the $CSTR$ is shown in the figure below.Assuming p...
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Consider a linear ordinary differential equation: $\frac{dy}{dx}+p\left ( x \right )y=r\left ( x \right )$. Functions $p\left ( x \right )$ and $r\left ( x \right )$ are...
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A spherical solid particle of $1\: mm$ diameter is falling with a downward velocity of $1.7\:mm/s$ through a liquid (viscosity $0.04\: Pa.s$) at a low Reynolds number Sto...
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A heated solid copper sphere (of surface area $A$ and volume $V$) is immersed in a large body of cold fluid. Assume the resistance to heat transfer inside the sphere to b...
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Consider a solid block of unit thickness for which the thermal conductivity decreases with an increase in temperature. The opposite faces of the block are maintained at c...
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For a solid-catalyzed gas phase reversible reaction, which of the following statements is ALWAYS TRUE?Adsorption is rate-limitingDesorption is rate-limitingsolid catalyst...
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The following table provides four sets of Fanning friction factor data, for different values of Reynolds number $(Re)$ and roughness factor $\left ( \frac{k}{D} \right )....
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The total cost $(C_{T})$ of an equipment in terms of the operating variables $x$ and $y$ is$$C_{T}=2x+\frac{12000}{xy}+y+5$$The optimal value of $C_{T}$, rounded to $1$ d...
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The bar graph below shows the output of five carpenters over one month, each of whom made different items of furniture: chairs, tables, and beds.Consider the following st...
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Water (density=$1000\:kg\:m^{-3}$) is pumped at a rate of $36\:m^{3}/h$, from a tank $2\:m$ below the pump, to an overhead pressurized vessel $10\:m$ above the pump. The ...
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Water flows through a smooth circular pipe under turbulent conditions. In the viscous sub-layer, the velocity varies linearly with the distance from the wall. The Fanning...
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A liquid phase irreversible reaction$A{\rightarrow}B$ is carried out in an adiabatic $CSTR$ operating under steady state conditions. The reaction is elementary and follow...
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A spherical naphthalene ball of $2\:mm$ diameter is subliming very slowly in stagnant air at $25^{\circ}C$. The change in the size of the ball during the sublimation can ...
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For which reaction order, the half-Iife of the reactant is half of the full lifetime (time for $100 \%$ conversion) of the reactant ?Zero orderHalf orderFirst orderSecond...
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For complex variable $z$, the value of the contour integral $\frac{1}{2\pi i} \underset{C}{\int }\frac{e^{-2z}}{z(z-3)}dz$ along the clockwise contour $C:\left | z \right...
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A proposed chemical plant is estimated to have a fixed capital $(FC)$ of $Rs$. $24$ crores. Assuming other costs to be small, the total investment may be taken to be same...
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Select the $\text{WRONG}$ statement regarding water gas shift converters from the list below.Inter-stage cooling is provided between the two stages of shift converters Us...
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A bond has a maturity value of $20,000$ Rupees at the end of $4$ years. The interest is compounded at the rate of $5\%$ per year.The initial investment to be made, rounde...