Recent questions tagged gate2016

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The volume of a sphere of diameter $1$ unit is ________ than the volume of a cube of side $1$ unit.leastlesslesserlow
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The unruly crowd demanded that the accused be _____________ without trial.hangedhanginghankeringhung
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Choose the statement $(s)$ where the underlined word is used correctly:A $\underline{\text{prone}}$ is a dried plum.He was lying $\underline{\text{prone}}$ on the floor.P...
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Fact: If it rains, then the field is wet.Read the following statements:It rainsThe field is not wetThe field is wetIt did not rainWhich one of the options given below is ...
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A window is made up of a square portion and an equilateral triangle portion above it. The base of the triangular portion coincides with the upper side of the square. If t...
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Students taking an exam are divided into two groups, $P$ and $Q$ such that each group has the same number of students. The performance of each of the students in a test w...
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A smart city integrates all modes of transport, uses clean energy and promotes sustainable use of resources. It also uses technology to ensure safety and security of the ...
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Find the missing sequence in the letter series.B, FH, LNP, _ _ _ _.SUWYTUVWTVXZTWXZ
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The binary operation $□$ is defined as $a □ b$ = $ab+(a+b)$, where $a$ and $b$ are any two real numbers. The value of the identity element of this operation, defined ...
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Which of the following curves represents the function $\text{y=ln}(|e^{[|\sin(|x|)]}|)$ for $\mid x\mid< 2\pi$? Here, $x$ represents the abscissa and $y$ represents the o...
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Which one of the following is an iterative technique for solving a system of simultaneous linear algebraic equations?Gauss eliminationGauss-JordanGauss-Seidel$LU$ decompo...
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The Laplace transform of $e^{at}\sin\left ( bt \right )$ is$\frac{b}{\left ( s-a \right )^{2}+b^{2}}$$\frac{s-a}{\left ( s-a \right )^{2}+b^{2}}$$\frac{s-a}{\left ( s-a \...
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What are the modulus $\left ( r \right )$ and argument $\left ( \theta \right )$ of the complex number $3+4i$ ?$r=\sqrt{7}, \theta =tan^{-1}\left ( \frac{4}{3} \right )$$...
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A liquid mixture of ethanol and water is flowing as inlet stream $P$ into a stream splitter. It is split into two streams, $Q$ and $R$, as shown in the figure below.The f...
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The partial molar enthalpy (in $kJ$/mol) of species $1$ in a binary mixture is given by $\bar{h}_{1}=2 -60x_{2}^{2}+100x^{1}x_{2}^{2},$ where $x_{1}$ and $x_{2}$ are the ...
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For a flow through a smooth pipe, the Fanning friction factor $(f)$ is given by $f=mRe^{-0.2}$ in the turbulent flow regime, where $Re$ is the Reynolds number and $m$ is ...
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In a cyclone separator used for separation of solid particles from a dust laden gas, the separation factor is defined as the ratio of the centrifugal force to the gravita...
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A vertical cylindrical vessel has a layer of kerosene (of density $800\: kg/m^{3}$) over a layer of water (of density $1000 \:kg/m^{3}$). $L$ – shaped glass tubes are c...
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A composite wall is made of four different materials of construction in the fashion shown below. The resistance (in $K/W$) of each sections of the wall is indicated in th...
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Steam at $100^{\circ}C$ is condensing on a vertical steel plate. The condensate flow is laminar. The average Nusselt numbers are $Nu_{1}$ and $Nu_{2}$, When the plate tem...
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A binary liquid mixture of benzene and toluene contains $20$ mol$\%$ of benzene. At $350 \:K$ the vapour pressures of pure benzene and pure toluene are $92\: kPa$ and $35...
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Match the dimensionless numbers in $Group–I$ with the ratios in $Group–2$.$\begin{array}{cc}\\&\text{Group-1} & \text{Group-2} \\ &\text{P. Biot number} & \text{ I. ...
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For what value of Lewis number, the wet-bulb temperature and adiabatic saturation temperature are nearly equal?$0.33$$0.5$$1$$2$
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For a non-catalytic homogeneous reaction $A\rightarrow B$, the rate expression at $300\:K$ is $-r_{A}$$\left (mol\; m^{-3} s^{-1}\right )=\frac{10C_{A}}{1+5C_{A}}$...
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The variations of the concentration $\left ( C_{A} ,C_{R}\:and\:C_{S}\right )$ for three species $\left ( A,R\:and\:S \right )$ with time, in an isothermal homogeneous ba...
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Hydrogen iodide decomposes through the reaction $2HI\leftrightharpoons H_{_{2}}+I_{2}$. The value of the universal gas constant $R$ is $8.314 \:J\:mol^{-1}K^{-1}$. The ac...
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Match the instruments in $Group–I$ with process variable in $Group–2$.$\begin{array}{cc}\\&\text{Group-1} & \text{Group-2} \\ &\text{P. Conductivity meter} & \text{ I...
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What is the order of response exhibited by a $U$-tube manometer? Zero orderFirst orderSecond orderThird order
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A system exhibits inverse response for a unit step change in the input. Which one of the following statement must necessarily be satisfied?The transfer function of the sy...
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Two design options for a distillation system are being compared based on the total annual cost. Information available is as follows:$$\begin{array}{clcIcIcI|cI|c}\hline&...
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Standard pipes of different schedule numbers and standard tubes of different $BWG$ numbers are available in the market. For a pipe/tube of a given nominal diameter, which...
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Terms used in engineering economics have standard definitions and interpretations. Which one of the following statements is $INCORRECT$?The profitability measure 'return ...
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India has no elemental sulphur deposits that can be economically exploited. In India, which one of the following industries produces elemental sulphur as a by-product?Co...
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Two paper pulp plants $P$ and $Q$ use the same quality of bamboo as a raw material. The chemicals used in their digester are as follows:$$\begin{array}{clcIcI|cI|cI|c}\hl...
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Match the industrial processes in $Group–I$ with the catalyst materials in $Group–2$.$\begin{array}{cc}\\ \\&\text{Group-1} & \text{Group-2} \\ &\text{P. Ethylene po...
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A set of simultaneous linear algebraic equations is represented in a matrix form as shown below.$\begin{bmatrix} 0 &0 &0 &4 &13 \\ 2& 5& 5& 2& 10\\ 0&0 &2 &5 &3 \\ 0&0 &0...
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What is the solution for the second order differential equation $\frac{\mathrm{d} ^{2}y}{\mathrm{d} x}^{2}+y=0$, with the initial conditions $y\left | _{x-0}=5\:and\:\fra...
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The model $y=mx^{2}$ is to be fit to the data given below.$$\begin{array}{|cl|cI|}\hline&{x} & {1} & {\sqrt{2}} & {\sqrt{3}} \\ \hline &{y} & {2} & {5} & {8} \\ \hline \e...
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The Lagrange mean-value theorem is satisfied for $f\left ( x \right )=x^{3}+5$, in the interval $\left ( 1,4 \right )$ at a value (rounded off to the second decimal place...
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Values of $f\left ( x \right )$ in the interval $\left [ 0,4 \right ]$ are given below.$\begin{array}{|cl|cI|cI|cI|cI|cI|}\hline&{x} & \text{0} & \text{1} & \text{2} & \t...