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Prandtl number signifies the ratio of$\frac{Momentum \: Diffusivity}{Thermal \: Diffusivity}$$\frac{Mass \: Diffusivity}{Thermal \: Diffusivity}$$\frac{Thermal \: Diffusi...
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A disk turbine is used to stir a liquid in a baffled tank. To design the agitator, experiments are performed in a lab-scale model with a turbine diameter of $0.05 \:m$ an...
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The ammonia ($NH_{3}$) oxidation process occurs over a catalyst as$$4NH_{3}+5O_{2}\rightarrow 6H_{2}O+4NO$$Air is supplied such that oxygen ($O_{2}$) is $20\%$ in excess ...
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A $\text{PD}$ controller with transfer function $G_{c}$ is used to stabilize an open-loop unstable process with transfer function $G_{p}$, where\[G_{c}=K_{c} \frac{\tau_{...
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The van der Waals equation of the state is given by$$P_r = \dfrac{8T_r}{3v_r-1} – \dfrac{3}{v_r^2}$$where $P_r$, $T_r$ and $v_r$ represent reduced pressure, reduced tem...
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At a shear rate of $10\:s^{-1}$, the apparent viscosity of a non-Newtonian liquid was found to be $1\: Pa\:s$. At a shear rate of $100\:s^{-1}$, the apparent viscosity of...
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Vapour bubbles are formed in the nucleate boiling regime at a frequency of $10$ bubbles per second per nucleation site. There are $100$ nucleation sites per $m^{2}$ of he...
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An insulted storage tank contains $1000\:kg$ liquid of specific heat $10\:kJ\:kg^{-1}\:K^{-1}$. The liquid is heated by saturated steam, condensing in a helical coil at a...
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A first-order process having a transfer function, $G_{p}=\frac{2}{7s+1}$ is controlled by a proportional controller with gain of $3.2$. The process time constant is in mi...
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Consider the gas phase reaction $N_2O_4 \rightleftarrows 2NO_2$ occuring in an isothermal and isobaric reactor maintained at $298 K$ and $1.0$ bar. The standard Gibbs ene...
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In petroleum refining operations, the process used for converting paraffins and naphthenes to aromatics isalkylationcatalytic reforminghydrocrackingisomerization
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A thermocouple having a linear relationship between $0\;^{\circ}C$ and $350 \:^{\circ}C$ shows an emf of zero and $30.5 \text{ mV}$, respectively at these two temperature...
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For a chemical reaction, the ratio of rate constant at $500\:K$ to that at $400\:K$ is $2.5$. Given $R=8.314\:J$ mol$^{-1}$ $K^{-1}$, the value of activation energy (in $...
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A thermocouple senses temperature based on theNernst Effect Maxwell Effect Seebeck EffectPeltier Effect
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A fractionator recovers $95$ mol $\%$ $n$-propane as the distillate from an equimolar mixture of $n$-propane and $n$-butane. The condensate is a saturated liquid at $55^{...
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A composite wall is made of four different materials of construction in the fashion shown below. The resistance (in $K/W$) of each sections of the wall is indicated in th...
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A venturi meter is installed to measure the flow rate of water in a $178\:mm$ diameter ($ID$) pipe. The throat diameter is $102\:mm$. The differential pressure measured u...
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​​​​​​A gas stream containing $95 \mathrm{~mol} \% \mathrm{CO}_{2}$ and $5 \mathrm{~mol} \%$ ethanol is to be scrubbed with pure water in a counter-current, i...
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Fresh catalyst is loaded into a reactor before the start of the following catalytic reaction.$$\textbf{A} \longrightarrow \textbf{products}$$The catalyst gets deactivated...
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Consider two Carnot engines $C_1$ and $C_2$ as shown in the figure.The efficiencies of the engines $C_1$ and $C_2$ are $0.40$ and $0.35$, respectively. If the temperature...
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Flow of water thorough an equal percentage valve is $900 \text{ litre } h^{-1}$ at $30 \%$ opening, and $1080 \text{ litre } h^{-1}$ at $35 \%$ opening. Assume that the p...
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Consider the reactor-separator-recycle process operating under steady state conditions as shown in the figure. The reactor is an ideal Continuous-Stirred Tank Reactor ($C...
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A vapour phase catalytic reaction $(Q+R{\rightarrow}S)$ follows Rideal mechanism ($R$ and $S$ are not absorbed). Initially, the mixture contains only the reactants in equ...
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A homogenous reaction $(R{\rightarrow}P)$ occurs in a batch reactor. The conversion of the reactant $R$ is $67\%$ after $10$ minutes and $80\%$ after $20$ minutes. The ra...
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A wet solid of $100\:kg$ is dried from a moisture content of $40\:wt\%$ to $10\:wt\%$. The critical moisture content is $15\:wt\%$ and the equilibrium moisture content is...
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In a 1-1 pass floating head type shell and tube heat exchanger, the tubes (od = 25 mm; id = 21 mm) are arranged in a square pitch. The tube pitch is 32 mm. The thermal co...
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A fiberboard sheet $\left ( 1.5\:m\times 2.0\:m\times 15\:mm \right )$ is being dried by suspending it horizontally in a current of hot, dry air. The edges are insulted s...
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The ratio of the activation energy of a chemical reaction to the universal gas constant is $1000 \mathrm{~K}$. The temperature-dependence of the reaction rate constant fo...
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Consider the process flowsheet in the figure. An irreversible liquid-phase reaction $A \rightarrow B$ (reaction rate $-r_{A} = 164 \:x_{A}\text{ kmol }m^{-3}\:h^{-1}$) oc...
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Consider a single-input-single-output $\text{(SISO)}$ system with the transfer function $$G_{P}\left ( s \right ) =\frac{2\left ( s + 1 \right )}{\left ( \dfrac{1}{2} s +...
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An exothermic, aqueous phase, irreversible, first order reaction, $Y \rightarrow Z$ is carried out in an ideal continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) operated adiabatical...
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A counter-current extraction column is designed to remove 99% of solute C from a solution of solvent A and solute C using pure solvent B. The initial concentration of sol...
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Heat generated at a steady rate of $100\: W$ due to resistance heating in a long wire (length = $5\:\text{m}$, diameter = $2\:\text{mm}$). This wire is wrapped with an in...
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A set of standard stainless steel pipes, each of internal diameter $26.65\:mm$ and $6000\:mm$ length, is used to make a plug flow reactor by joining them in series to car...
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Consider the following transfer function:$$G\left ( s \right )=\frac{3}{\left ( 5s+1 \right )^{2}}$$where, the natural period of oscillation is in min. The amplitude rati...
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Water of density $1000 \mathrm{~kg} \mathrm{~m}^{-3}$ is pumped at a volumetric flow rate of $3.14 \times 10^{-2} \mathrm{~m}^{3} \mathrm{~s}^{-1}$, through a pipe of inn...
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Consider two stationary spherical pure water droplets of diameters $d_{1}$ and $2d_{1}$. $CO_{2}$ diffuses into the droplets from the surroundings. If the rate of diffusi...
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The equation $\dfrac{dy}{dx} = xy^{2}+ 2y+ x- 4.5$ with the initial condition $y(x= 0) = 1$ is to be solved using a predictor-corrector approach. Use a predictor based on...
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A venturi meter (venturi coefficient, $C_{v} = 0.98$) is connected to a pipe of inner diameter $50$ $\text{mm}$. Water (density $1000\:kg\:m^{-3}$) is flowing through the...
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An elementary irreversible liquid-phase reaction, $2A \rightarrow B$, is carried out under isothermal conditions in a $1\:m^{3}$ ideal plug flow reactor $\text{(PFR)}$ as...