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Catalytic reforming is commonly used in the petroleum industry to improve fuel quality. The undesirable reaction in the catalytic reforming of naphtha isHydrocracking of ...
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A control system on the jacket side of a reactor is shown in the figure. Pressurized water flows through the jacket to cool the reactor. The heated water flashes in the b...
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Liquid flowing through a heat exchanger $\text{(HX)}$ is heated. A bypass stream is provided to control the temperature of the heated exit stream. From the given plumbing...
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The appropriate feedforward compensator, $G_{ff}$, in the shown block diagram is$G_{ff} = \dfrac{2}{3}\dfrac{\left ( 8s + 1\right )}{\left ( 5s + 1\right )}$$G_{ff} = -\d...
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Choose the option that correctly pairs the given measurement devices with the quantities they measure.$$\begin{array}{ccc} \hline\text{S No} & \text{Measurement Device} &...
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A simple distillation column is designed to separate an ideal binary mixture to specified distillate and bottoms purities at a given column pressure. It $RR_{\text{min}}$...
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The reaction $A \rightarrow B$ is carried out isothermally on a porous catalyst. The intrinsic reaction rate is $kC_{A}^{2}$, where $k$ is the rate constant and $C_{A}$ i...
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In an enzymatic reaction, an inhibitor $(I)$ competes with the substrate $(S)$ to bind with the enzyme $(E)$, thereby reducing the rate of product $(P)$ formation. The co...
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The area of a circular field is $25\: m^{2}$. The radius, $r$, is to be determined using the Newton-Raphson iterative method. For an initial guess of $r = 2.500\: m$, the...
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$5$ moles of liquid benzene, $8$ moles of liquid toluene and $7$ moles of liquid xylene are mixed at $25^{\circ}C$ and $1$ bar. Assuming the formation of an ideal solutio...
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A perfectly insulated double pipe heat exchanger is operating at steady state. Saturated steam enters the inner pipe at $100^{\circ}C$ and leaves as saturated water at $1...
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Consider steady-state diffusion in a binary $\text{A-B}$ liquid at constant temperature and pressure. The mole-fraction of $A$ at two different locations is $0.8$ and $0....
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Consider interphase mass transfer of a species $S$ between two immiscible liquids $A$ and $B$. The interfacial mass transfer coefficient ot $S$ in liquid $A$ is twice of ...
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A wet solid containing $20\%$ $\text{(w/w)}$ moisture (based on mass of bone-dry solid) is dried in a tray-dryer. The critical moisture content of the solid is $10\%$ $\t...
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A process described by the transfer function $$G_{P}\left ( s \right ) = \frac{\left ( 10s +1 \right )}{5s + 1}$$ is forced by a unit step input at time $t = 0$. The outp...
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A compressor with a lite of $10$ years costs Rs $10$ lakhs. Its yearly operating cost is Rs $0.5$ lakh. If the annual compound interest rate is $8\%$, the amount needed a...
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The partial differential equation $$\frac{\partial u}{\partial t} = \frac{1}{\pi^{2}} \frac{\partial ^{2} u}{\partial x^{2}}$$ where, $t \geq 0$ and $x \in [0,1]$, is sub...
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$N$ moles of an ideal gas undergo a two-step process as shown in the figure. Let $\text{P, V and T}$ denote the pressure, volume and temperature of the gas, respectively....
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A horizontal cylindrical water jet of diameter $D_{1} = 2\: cm$ strikes a vertical solid plate with a hole of diameter $D_{2} = 1\:cm$, as shown in the figure. A part of ...
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Consider a horizontal rod of radius $aR (a < 1)$ in a stationary pipe of radius $R$. The rod is pulled coaxially at a constant velocity $V$ as shown in the figure. The an...
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Consider a bare long copper wire of $1$ $\text{mm}$ diameter. Its surface temperature is $T_{s}$ and the ambient temperature is $T_{a}\:(T_{s} T_{a})$. The wire is to be...
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Two large parallel planar walls are maintained at $1000\:K$ and $500\:K$. Parallel radiation shields are to be installed between the two walls. Assume that the emissiviti...
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Saturated steam condenses on a vertical plate maintained at a constant wall temperature. If $x$ is the vertical distance from the top edge of the plate, then the local he...
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Match the product in Group-$1$ with the manufacturing process in Group-$2$. The correct combination is$$\begin{array}{|c|c|} \hline\text{} & \text{Group – 1} & & \text{...
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The directional derivative of $f\left ( x, y, z \right ) = 4x^{2}+2y^{2}+z^{2}$ at the point $(1, 1, 1)$ in the direction of the vector $\vec{v} = \hat{i} - \hat{k}$ is _...
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Consider a sphere of radius $4$, centered at the origin, with outward unit normal $\hat{n}$ on its surface $S$. The value of the surface integral $\iint _{s} \left ( \dfr...
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The equation $\dfrac{dy}{dx} = xy^{2}+ 2y+ x- 4.5$ with the initial condition $y(x= 0) = 1$ is to be solved using a predictor-corrector approach. Use a predictor based on...
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A substance at $4^{\circ}C$ has a thermal expansion coefficient $\beta = \dfrac{1}{v}\left ( \dfrac{\partial v}{\partial T} \right )_P =0 \:K^{-1}$, an isothermal compres...
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The molar excess Gibbs free energy $(g^{E})$ of a liquid mixture of $A$ and $B$ is given by $$\frac{g^{E}}{RT} = x_{A}x_{B}\left [ C_{1} + C_{2} \left ( x_{A} - x_{B} \ri...
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For a pure substance, the following data at saturated conditions are given:$$\begin{array}{cccc}\text{ln}\:{P^{\text{sat}} (\text{bar})} & \text{T (K)} \\ 0.693 & 350 \\ ...
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Consider the process flowsheet in the figure. An irreversible liquid-phase reaction $A \rightarrow B$ (reaction rate $-r_{A} = 164 \:x_{A}\text{ kmol }m^{-3}\:h^{-1}$) oc...
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Two reservoirs located at the same altitude are connected by a straight horizontal pipe of length $120\:m$ and inner diameter $0.5\:m$, as shown in the figure. A pump tra...
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A venturi meter (venturi coefficient, $C_{v} = 0.98$) is connected to a pipe of inner diameter $50$ $\text{mm}$. Water (density $1000\:kg\:m^{-3}$) is flowing through the...
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In a constant-rate cake filtration operation, the collected filtrate volumes are $120\:m^{3}$ and $240\:m^{3}$ at $1$ min and $2$ min, respectively. Assume the cake resis...
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A cylindrical fin of diameter $24$ $\text{mm}$ is attached horizontally to a vertical planar wall. The heat transfer rate from the tin to the surrounding ar is $60\%$ of ...
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A single-effect evaporator with a heat transfer area of $70\:m^{2}$ concentrates a salt solution using steam. The salt solution feed rate and temperature are $10000\:kg\:...
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An equimolar binary mixture is to be separated in a simple tray-distillation column. The feed rate is $50\text{ kmol min}^{-1}$ . The mole fractions of the more volatile ...
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The dry-bulb temperature of air in a room is $30^{\circ}C$. The Antoine equation for wateris given as $$\text{ln} P^{sat} = 12.00 -\frac{4000}{T - 40}$$ where $T$ is the ...
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In the block diagram shown in the figure, the transfer function $G = \dfrac{K}{\left ( \tau s + 1 \right )}$ with $K 0$ and $\tau 0$. The maximum value of $K$ below whi...
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Consider the tank level control system shown in the figure, where the cross-section area of the tank is $A$. Assume perfect flow controllers $\text{(FC)}$. The level cont...