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The cost function for a product in a firm is given by $5q^{2}$, where q is the amount of production. The firm can sell the product at a market price of $₹50$ per unit. ...
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Match the following $$\begin{array}&&\textbf{Group I} & \textbf{Group II} \\ &\text{P. $\left [ \frac{\partial G}{\partial n_{i}} \right ]_{T,P,n_{\int =i}}$} & \text{I....
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For the functionf(z) = $\frac{1}{(2-z)(z+2)}$the residue at z = 2 is $\_\_\_\_\_$
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The exit age distribution for a reactor is given by E(t) = $\delta$(t-4), where t is in seconds. A first order liquid phase reaction (k = 0.25 s$^{-1}$) is carried out in...
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A thermocouple having a linear relationship between $0\;^{\circ}C$ and $350 \:^{\circ}C$ shows an emf of zero and $30.5 \text{ mV}$, respectively at these two temperature...
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In a steady incompressible flow, the velocity distribution is given by $\bar{V}=3x\hat{i}-Py\hat{j}+5z\hat{k}$, where, $V$ is in $m/s$ and $x,y$ and $z$ are in $m$. In or...
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Carbon monoxide $(CO)$ is burnt in pressure of $200\%$ excess pure oxygen and the flame temperature achieved is $2298\:K$. The inlet streams are at $25^{\circ}$. The stan...
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Two elemental gases ($A$ and $B$) are reacting to form a liquid ($C$) in a steady state process as per the reaction $A+B{\rightarrow}C$. The single-pass conversion of the...
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Catalytic cracking isa hydrogen addition processa carbon rejection processan exothermic processa coking process
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Assuming the mass transfer coefficient in the gas and the liquid phases are comparable, the absorption of $CO_{2}$ from reformers gas $(CO_{2}+H_{2})$ into an aqueous sol...
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A plant manufactures compressors at the rate of N units/day. The daily fixed charges are Rs. 20000 and the variable cost per compressor is Rs. 500 + 0.2 N$^{1.3}$. The se...
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A control value, with a turndown ratio of 50, follows equal percentage characteristics. The flow rate of a liquid through the value at 40% stem positions is 1 m$^{3}$/h. ...
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Taking the acceleration due to gravity to be 10 m/s$^{2}$, the separation factor of a cyclone 0.5 m in diameter and having a tangential velocity of 20m/s near the wall is...
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The thermodynamic state of a closed system containing a pure fluid changes from $(T1,p1)$ to $(T2, p2)$, where $T$ and $p$ denote the temperature and pressure, respective...
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A political party orders an arch for the entrance to the ground in which the annual convention is being held. The profile of the arch follows the equation $y = 2x – 0.1...
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In a steady and incompressible flow of a fluid (density = $1.25\: kg\: m^{-3}$), the difference between stagnation and static pressures at the same location in the flow i...
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Assume that an ordinary mercury-in-glass thermometer follows first order dynamics with a time constant of $10\:s$. It is at a steady state temperature of $0^{\circ}C$. At...
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A fraction $f$ of the feed is bypassed and mixed with the permeate to obtain treated water having a fluoride concentration of 1 mg/L. Here also the flow rate of the rejec...
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In the manufacture of sulphuric acid by the contact process, the catalytic oxidation of SO$_2$ is carried out in multiple stages mainly toincrease the reaction rate by pr...
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In the Tyler standard screen scale series, when the mesh number increase from 3 mesh to 10 mesh, thenthe clear opening decreasesthe clear opening increasethe clear openin...
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The apparent viscosity of a fluid is given by0.007 |$\frac{dv}{dy}$|$^{0.3}$ where ($\frac{dv}{dy}$) is the velocity gradient. The fluid isBingham plasticdilatantpseudopl...
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Steam economy of a multiple effect evaporator system is defined askilogram of steam used per hourkilogram of steam consumed in all the effects for each kilogram of steam ...
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Which of the following statements are $CORRECT$?For a rheopectic fluid, the apparent viscosity increase with time under a constant applied shear stressFor a pseudoplastic...
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A unit $IMPLUSE$ response of a first order system with time constant $\tau$ and steady state gain $K_{p}$ is given by $\frac{1}{K_{p}\tau }e^{t/\tau }$$K_{p}e^{-t/\tau}$...
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A reverse osmosis unit treats feed water (F) containing fluoride and its output consists of a permeate stream (P) and a reject stream (R). Let C${_F}$, C${_p}$, and C${_R...
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In a double pipe counter-current heat exchanger, the temperature profiles shown in the figure were observed. During operation, due to fouling inside the pipe, the heat tr...
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Water (density 1000 kg/m$^{3}$) is flowing through a nozzle, as shown below and exiting to the atmosphere. The relationship the diameters of the nozzle at location 1 and ...
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In a process occurring in a closed system F, the heat transferred from F to the surroundings E is 600 J. If the temperature of E is 300 K and that of F is in the range 38...
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A wet is dried over a long period of time by unsaturated air of nonzero constant relative humidity. The moisture content eventually attained by the solid is termed as the...
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Heat generated at a steady rate of $100\: W$ due to resistance heating in a long wire (length = $5\:\text{m}$, diameter = $2\:\text{mm}$). This wire is wrapped with an in...
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Slurries are most conveniently pumped by a syringe pumpdiaphragm pumpvacuum pumpgear pump
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In a closed system, the isentropic expansion of an ideal gas with constant specific heats is represented by
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Match the reactant-product combination in Group 1 with the unit process in Group 2 Group 1 ...
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100 ton/h of a rock feed, of which 80% passed through a mesh size of 2.54 mm, were reduced in size such that 80% of the crushed product passed through a mesh size of 1.27...
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An isothermal liquid phase zero order reaction A $\rightarrow$ B (k = 0.5 mol/m$^{3}$ -s) is carried out in a batch reactor. The initial concentration of A is 2 mol/m$^{3...
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A hole of area 1 cm$^{2}$ is opened on the surface of a large spherical cavity whose inside temperature is maintained at 727 $^{o}$C. The value of stefan-Boltzmann consta...
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Which one of the following options is the closest in meaning to the word given below?$\textbf{Mitigate}$DiminishDivulgeDedicateDenote
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A counter-current extraction column is designed to remove 99% of solute C from a solution of solvent A and solute C using pure solvent B. The initial concentration of sol...
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Which $ONE$ of the following statements is $CORRECT$?The major components of biodiesel are triglyceridesBiodiesel is essentially a mixture of ethyl estersBiodiesel is hig...
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The vapor liquid equilibrium relation for an ideal binary system is given by y*${_A}$ = $\frac{\alpha{_A}{_B}x{_A}}{...