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For Fanning friction factor $f$ (for flow in pipes) and drag coefficient $C_{D}$ (for flow over immersed bodies), which of the following statements are true?$P.$ $f$ acco...
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A centrifugal pump delivers water at the rate of $0.22 m^{3}/s$ from a reservoir at ground level to another reservoir at a height $H$,through a vertical pipe ot $0.2\:m$ ...
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A multi-stage, counter-current liquid-liquid extractor is used to separate solute $C$ from a binary mixture $(F)$ of $A$ and $C$ using solvent $B$. Pure solvent $B$ is re...
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A catalyst slab of half-thickness $L$ (the width and length of the slab $>>\:L$) is used to conduct thefirst order reaction $A{\rightarrow} B$. At $450\: K$, the Thiele m...
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The cost of two independent process variables $f_{1}$ and $f_{2}$ affects the total cost $C_{T}$ (in lakhs of rupees) of the process as per the following function :$$C_{T...
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The reversible reaction of $t$-butyl alcohol $(TBA)$ and ethanol $(EtOH)$ to ethyl $t$-butyl ether $(ETBE)$ is$$TBA+Et0H\rightleftharpoons ETBE+water$$The equilibrium con...
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Match the instruments in $Group–I$ with process variable in $Group–2$.$\begin{array}{cc}\\&\text{Group-1} & \text{Group-2} \\ &\text{P. Conductivity meter} & \text{ I...
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The characteristics curve (Head-Capacity relationship) of a centrifugal pimp is represented by the equation $\Delta H_{pump}=43.8-0.19Q$, where $\Delta H_{pump}$ is the h...
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At $30^{\circ}C$, the amounts of acetone adsorbed at partial pressures of $10$ and $100\:mmHg$ are $0.1$ and $0.4\:kg$ acetone/$kg$ activated carbon, respectively. Assume...
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If $v,\:u,\:s$ and $g$ represent respectively the molar volume, molar internal energy, molar entropy and molar Gibbs free energy, then match the entries in the left and r...
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Two infinitely large parallel plates ($I$ and $II$) are held at temperatures $T_{I}$ and $T_{II}$ $(T_{I}>T_{II})$ respectively, and placed at a distance $2d$ apart in va...
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Identify the $WRONG$ statement amongst the following:Steam distillation is used for mixtures that are immiscible with water.Vacuum distillation is used for mixtures that ...
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Adsorption on activated carbon is to be used for reducing phenol concentration in wastewater from $0.04$ mol/$1$ to $0.008$ mol/$1$. The adsorption isotherm at the operat...
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An isothermal steady state mixed flow reactor $(CSTR)$ of $1\:m^{3}$ volume is used to carry out the first order liquid-phase reaction $A{\rightarrow}$ products. Fresh fe...
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Solute $C$ is extracted in a batch process from its homogenous solution of $A$ and $C$, using solvent $B$. The combined composition of the feed and the extracting solvent...
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A vertical cylindrical tank with a flat roof and bottom is to be constructed for storing $150\:m^{3}$ of ethylene glycol. The cost of material and fabrication for the tan...
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For uniform laminar flow over a flat plate, the thickness of the boundary layer, $\delta$ at a distance $x$ from the leading edge of the plate follows the reaction :$\del...
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For a binary mixture of components $A$ and $B$, $N_{A}$ and $N_{B}$ denote the total molar fluxes of components $A$ and $B$, respectively. $J_{A}$ and $J_{B}$ are the cor...
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Which of the following can change if only the catalyst is changed for a reaction system?Enthalpy of reactionActivation energyFree energy of the reactionEquilibrium consta...
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An irreversible, homogeneous reaction $A{\rightarrow}$ products, has the rate expression:Rate = $\frac{2C_{A}^{2}+0.1C_{A}}{1+50C_{A}}$, where $C_{A}$ is the concentratio...
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The diameters of sand particles in a sample range from $50$ to $150$ microns. The number of particles of diameter x in the sample is proportional to $\frac{1}{50+x}$. The...
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Given that molar residual Gibbs free energy, $g^{R}$, and molar residual volume, $v^{R}$, are related as $\frac{g^{R}}{RT}=\int _{0}^{P}\left ( \frac{v^{R}}{RT} \right )d...
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For what value of Lewis number, the wet-bulb temperature and adiabatic saturation temperature are nearly equal?$0.33$$0.5$$1$$2$
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India has no elemental sulphur deposits that can be economically exploited. In India, which one of the following industries produces elemental sulphur as a by-product?Co...
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A vector $u=-2y\hat{i}+2x\hat{j}$, where $\hat{i}$ and $\hat{j}$ are unit vectors in $x$ and $y$ directions, respectively. Evaluate the line integral$$I=\oint _{C}u.dr$$w...
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The liquid phase reversible reaction $A\rightleftharpoons B$ is carried out in an isothermal $CSTR$ operating under steady state conditions. The inlet stream does not con...
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Two different liquids are flowing through different pipes of the same diameter. In the first pipe, the flow is laminar with centerline velocity, $V_{max,1}$, whereas in t...
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Which one of the following transfer functions, upon a unit step change in disturbance at $t=0$, will show a stable time domain response with a negative initial slope (i.e...
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An oil with a flow rate of $1000\:kg/h$ is to be cooled using water in a double-pipe counter-flow heat exchanger from a temperature of $70^{\circ}C$ to $40^{\circ}C$. Wat...
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All professors are researchersSome scientists are professorsWhich of the given conclusions is logically valid and is inferred from the above arguments:All scientists are ...
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A system exhibits inverse response for a unit step change in the input. Which one of the following statement must necessarily be satisfied?The transfer function of the sy...
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A bed of spherical glass beads (density $3000 \text{ kg/m$^3$}$, diameter $1\:\text{mm}$, bed porosity $0.5$) is to be fluidized by a liquid of density $1000 \text{ kg/m$...
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Match the chemicals written on the left with the raw materials required to produce them mentioned on the right.$\begin{array}{cc}\&\text{I. Single Superphosephate $(SSP)$...
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The impulse response to a tracer pulse experiment or a flow reactor is given below :In the above figure, $C$ is the exit tracer concentration. The corresponding $E$ or $E...
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The smallest angle of a triangle is equal to two thirds of the smallest angle of a quadrilateral. The ratio between the angles of the quadrilateral is $3:4:5:6.$ The larg...
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The schematic diagram of a steady state process is shown below. The fresh feed $(F)$ to the reactor consists ot $96$ mol$\%$ reactant $A$ and $4$ mol$\%$ inert $I$. The s...
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A wet solid of $100\:kg$ is dried from a moisture content of $40\:wt\%$ to $10\:wt\%$. The critical moisture content is $15\:wt\%$ and the equilibrium moisture content is...
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Evaluate ${\displaystyle \int \frac{dx}{e^x – 1}}$(Note: C is a constant of integration)$\frac{e^x}{e^x -1}$ + C$\frac {In(e^x -1)}{e^x}$ + CIn$(\frac {e^x}{e^x -1})$ ...
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Match the polymer mentioned on the left with the catalyst used for its manufacture given on the right.$\begin{array}{cc}\&\text{I. Low density Polyethylene} & \text{P. Zi...
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Match the technologies in Group-$1$ with the entries in Group-$2$:$\begin{array}{cc}\&\text{$Group-1$} & \text{$Group-2$} \\ &\text{P. Urea manufacture} & \text{ I. Micro...