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In a double pipe counter-current heat exchanger, the temperature profiles shown in the figure were observed. During operation, due to fouling inside the pipe, the heat tr...
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Calculate the heat required (in kJ, up to 1 digit after the decimal point) to raise the temperature of 1 mole of a solid material from 100 $^{o}$C to 1000 $^{o}$C. The sp...
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100 ton/h of a rock feed, of which 80% passed through a mesh size of 2.54 mm, were reduced in size such that 80% of the crushed product passed through a mesh size of 1.27...
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In the elutriation leg of a commercial crystallizer containing a mixture of coarse and very fine crystals of the same material, a liquid is pumped vertically upward. The ...
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Water (density 1000 kg/m$^{3}$) is flowing through a nozzle, as shown below and exiting to the atmosphere. The relationship the diameters of the nozzle at location 1 and ...
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A binary liquid mixture is in equilibrium with its vapor at a temperature T = 300 K. The liquid mole fraction x${_1}$ of species 1 is 0.4 and the molar excess Gibbs free ...
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In a process occurring in a closed system F, the heat transferred from F to the surroundings E is 600 J. If the temperature of E is 300 K and that of F is in the range 38...
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The value of the integral${\scriptstyle \int^{0.5} _{0.1}}$ e$^{-x^3}$dxevaluated by Simpson’s rule using 4 subintervals (up to 3 digits after the decimal point) is $\_...
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The solution of the differential equation$\frac{d^2y}{dx^2}$ – $\frac{dy}{dx}$ + 0.25y = 0, given y = 0 at x = 0 and $\frac{dy}{dx}$ = 1 at x = 0 isxe$^{0.5x}$ – xe$...
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The solution of the differential equation$\frac{dy}{dx}$ – y$^{2}$ = 0, given y=1 at x=0 is$\frac{1}{1+x}$$\frac{1}{1-x}$$\frac{1}{(1-x)^2}$$\frac{x^3}{3}$+1
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For the functionf(z) = $\frac{1}{(2-z)(z+2)}$the residue at z = 2 is $\_\_\_\_\_$
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Match the following$\bf{Group 1}$ $\bf{Group 2}$(P) Viscosity (1) Pyrometer(Q) Pressure ...
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In the manufacture of sulphuric acid by the contact process, the catalytic oxidation of SO$_2$ is carried out in multiple stages mainly toincrease the reaction rate by pr...
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The overall rates of an isothermal catalytic reaction using spherical catalyst particles of diameters 1 mm and 2 mm are $r_A$$_1$ and $r_A$$_2$ (in mol (kg-catalyst)$^{-1...
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An isothermal liquid phase zero order reaction A $\rightarrow$ B (k = 0.5 mol/m$^{3}$ -s) is carried out in a batch reactor. The initial concentration of A is 2 mol/m$^{3...
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The exit age distribution for a reactor is given by E(t) = $\delta$(t-4), where t is in seconds. A first order liquid phase reaction (k = 0.25 s$^{-1}$) is carried out in...
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A wet is dried over a long period of time by unsaturated air of nonzero constant relative humidity. The moisture content eventually attained by the solid is termed as the...
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The packing of an existing absorption tower is replaced with a new type of packing. The height of the packing and the inlet conditions are maintained the same as before. ...
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A hole of area 1 cm$^{2}$ is opened on the surface of a large spherical cavity whose inside temperature is maintained at 727 $^{o}$C. The value of stefan-Boltzmann consta...
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In a pool boiling experiment, the following phenomena were observed.P.Natural convectionQ.Film boilingR.Transition boilingS.Nucleate boilingWhat was the CORRECT sequence ...
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The effectiveness of a heat exchanger in the $\varepsilon$-NTU method is defined as$\frac{increase\ in temperature\ of\ the\ cold\ fluid}{decrease\ in\ temperature\ of\ t...
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Taking the acceleration due to gravity to be 10 m/s$^{2}$, the separation factor of a cyclone 0.5 m in diameter and having a tangential velocity of 20m/s near the wall is...
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In the Tyler standard screen scale series, when the mesh number increase from 3 mesh to 10 mesh, thenthe clear opening decreasesthe clear opening increasethe clear openin...
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For a Newtonian fluid flowing in a circular pipe under steady state conditions in fully developed laminar flow, the fanning friction factor is0.046Re$^{-0.2}$0.0014 + $\f...
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An incompressible Newtonian fluid , filled in an angular gap between two concentric cylinders of radii $R_{1}$ and $R_{2}$ as shown in the figure, is flowing under steady...
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The mass balance for a fluid with density ($\rho$) and velocity ($\overrightarrow{V}$) is$\frac{\partial\rho}{\partial{t}}$ + $\bigtriangledown$.($\rho\overrightarrow{V}$...
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The apparent viscosity of a fluid is given by0.007 |$\frac{dv}{dy}$|$^{0.3}$ where ($\frac{dv}{dy}$) is the velocity gradient. The fluid isBingham plasticdilatantpseudopl...
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An open tank contains two immiscible liquids of densities $(800\: kg/m^{3}$ and $1000\:kg/m^{3})$ as shown in the figure. If $g = 10\: m/s^2$, under static conditions, th...
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The units of the isothermal compressibility are$m^{-3}$$Pa^{-1}$$m^{3} Pa^{-1}$$m^{-3}Pa^{-1}$
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An equation of state is explicit in pressure $p$ and cubic in the specific volume $v$. At the critical point $‘c’$ , the isotherm passing through $‘c’$ satisfies$...
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The thermodynamic state of a closed system containing a pure fluid changes from $(T1,p1)$ to $(T2, p2)$, where $T$ and $p$ denote the temperature and pressure, respective...
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A gaseous system contains H${_2}$,I${_2}$ and HI, which participate in the gas-phase reaction 2H...
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Evaluate ${\displaystyle \int \frac{dx}{e^x – 1}}$(Note: C is a constant of integration)$\frac{e^x}{e^x -1}$ + C$\frac {In(e^x -1)}{e^x}$ + CIn$(\frac {e^x}{e^x -1})$ ...
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Which of the following statements are TRUE?P.The eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix are realQ.The value of the determinant of an orthogonal matrix can only be +1R.The tr...
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For two rolls of a fair die, the probability of getting a 4 in the first roll and a number less than 4 in the second roll, up to 3 digits after the decimal point, is ____...
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The number of emails received on six consecutive days is 11, 9, 18, 18, 4 and 15,respectively.what are the median and the mode for these data?18 and 11, respectively13 an...
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Which of the following assertions are $\text{CORRECT}$?$P$ : Adding $7$ to each entry in a list adds $7$ to the mean of the list$Q$ : Adding $7$ to each entry in a list...
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Given the sequence of terms, $\text{AD CG FK JP}$, the next term is$\text{OV}$$\text{OW}$$\text{PV}$$\text{PW}$
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Wanted Temporary, part-time persons for the post of Field Interviewers to conduct personal interviews to collect and collate economic data. Requirements: High school-pass...
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A political party orders an arch for the entrance to the ground in which the annual convention is being held. The profile of the arch follows the equation $y = 2x – 0.1...