Highest voted questions in Verbal Aptitude

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Inhaling the smoke from a burning ______________ could ____________ you quickly.tire / tiertire / tyretyre / tiretyre / tier
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"You are delaying the completion of the task. Send _________ contributions at the earliest."you areyour you're yore
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In $2022,$ June Huh was awarded the Fields medal, which is the highest prize in Mathematics.When he was younger, he was also a poet. He did not win any medals in the Inte...
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The World Bank has declared that it does not plan to offer new financing to Sri Lanka, which is battling its worst economic crisis in decades, until the country has an ad...
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Rice, a versatile and inexpensive source of carbohydrate, is a critical component of diet worldwide. Climate change, causing extreme weather, poses a threat to sustained ...
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Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award was conferred ______ Mary Kom, a six-time world champion in boxing, recently in a ceremony _____ the Rashtrapati Bhawan (the President’s o...
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Despite a string of poor performances, the chances of $K.L.$ Rahul’s selection in the team are ________slimbrightobviousuncertain
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Select the word that fits the analogy:$\text{Cover : Uncover :: Associate :}$ _______UnassociateInassociateMisassociateDissociate
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Hit by floods, the kharif (summer sown) crops in various parts of the country have been affected. Officials believe that the loss in production of the kharif crops can be...
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Repo rate is the rate at which Reserve Bank of India $\text{(RBI)}$ lends commercial banks, and reverse repo rate is the rate at which $\text{(RBI)}$ borrows money from c...
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References : _______ : : Guidelines : Implement(By word meaning) Sight Site Cite Plagiarise
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Consider the following sentences:Everybody in the class is prepared for the exam.Babu invited Danish to his home because he enjoys playing chess.Which of the following is...
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____________ is to $\textit{surgery}$ as $\textit{writer}$ is to __________Which one of the following options maintains a similar logical relation in the above sentence?P...
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Some people suggest anti-obesity measures $\text{(AOM)}$ such as displaying calorie information in restaurant menus. Such measures sidestep addressing the core problems t...
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The expenditure on the project _____ as follows: equipment Rs.$20$ lakhs, salaries Rs.$12$ lakhs, and contingency Rs.$3$ lakhs.break downbreakbreaks downbreaks
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The search engine’s business model ____ around the fulcrum of trust.revolvesplayssinksbursts
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A court is to a judge as _________ is to a teachera studenta punishmenta syllabusa school
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“A recent High Court judgement has sought to dispel the idea of begging as a disease – which leads to its stigmatization and criminalization – and to regard it as ...
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The bacteria in milk are destroyed when it __________ heated to 80 degree Celsius.would bewill beiswas
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___________________ with someone else’s email account is now a very serious offence.InvolvingAssistingTamperingIncubating
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The old concert hall was demolished because of fears that the foundation would be affected by the construction of the new metro line in the area. Modern technology for un...
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The volume of a sphere of diameter $1$ unit is ________ than the volume of a cube of side $1$ unit.leastlesslesserlow
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The unruly crowd demanded that the accused be _____________ without trial.hangedhanginghankeringhung
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Choose the statement $(s)$ where the underlined word is used correctly:A $\underline{\text{prone}}$ is a dried plum.He was lying $\underline{\text{prone}}$ on the floor.P...
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A smart city integrates all modes of transport, uses clean energy and promotes sustainable use of resources. It also uses technology to ensure safety and security of the ...
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Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the following sentence.The principle presented the chief guest with a _______________ , as token...
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Choose the appropriate word/phrase, out of the four options given below, to complete the following sentences:Frogs _____________________ .croakroarhisspatter
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Choose the word most similar in meaning to the given word:EduceExertEducateExtractExtend
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The following question presents a sentence, part of which is underlined. Beneath the sentence you find four ways of phrasing the underlined part. Following the requiremen...
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Read the following paragraph and choose the correct statement.Climate change has reduced human security and threatened human well being. An ignored reality of human progr...
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Humpty Dumpty sits on a wall every day while having launch. The wall sometimes breaks. A person sitting on the wall falls if the wall breaks.Which one of the statements b...
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A student is required to demonstrate a high level of comprehension of the subject, especially in the social sciences.The word closest in meaning to comprehension isunders...
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Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the following sentence.One of his biggest ______ was his ability to forgive.vicevirtueschoicesst...
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Rajan was not happy that Sajan decided to do the project on his own. On observing his unhappiness, Sajan explained to Rajan that he preferred to work independently.Which ...
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Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the pair:$\text{water : pipe ::}$cart: roadelectricity: wiresea: beachmusic: instrument
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$\frac{Allengineering students }{I}$ $\frac{should learn mechanics}{II}$, $\frac{mathematics and}{III}$ $\frac{how to do computation}{IV}$Which of the above underlined pa...
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Mahatma Gandhi was known for his humility ashe played an important role in humiliating exit of British from India.he worked for humanitarian causes.he displayed modesty i...
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The Headmaster ______ to speak to you.Which of the following options is incorrect to complete the above sentence?is wanting.wantswantwas wanting
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Wanted Temporary, part-time persons for the post of Field Interviewers to conduct personal interviews to collect and collate economic data. Requirements: High school-pass...
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Choose the grammatically $\text{INCORRECT}$ sentence:They gave us the money back less the service charges of Three Hundred rupeesThis country’s expenditure is not less ...