Hot questions in Complex variables

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The value of the complex number $i^{-1/2}$ (where $i=\sqrt{-1}$) is $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left ( 1-i \right )$$-\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}i$$\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}i$$\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}...
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The real part of $6e^{i\pi /3}$ is _______________.
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A complex-valued function, $f(z)$, given below is analytic in domain $D$:$$f\left ( z \right )=u\left ( x,y\right )+i\nu \left ( x,y\right )\:\:\:\:\:\:\:z=x+iy$$Which of...
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What are the modulus $\left ( r \right )$ and argument $\left ( \theta \right )$ of the complex number $3+4i$ ?$r=\sqrt{7}, \theta =tan^{-1}\left ( \frac{4}{3} \right )$$...
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For complex variable $z$, the value of the contour integral $\frac{1}{2\pi i} \underset{C}{\int }\frac{e^{-2z}}{z(z-3)}dz$ along the clockwise contour $C:\left | z \right...
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If $i = \sqrt{-1}$, the value of the integral $$\oint_{c}\dfrac{7z + i}{z(z^2 + 1)}dz \quad\quad\quad\quad|z|<2$$,u...
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For the functionf(z) = $\frac{1}{(2-z)(z+2)}$the residue at z = 2 is $\_\_\_\_\_$
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The decay ratio for a system having complex conjugate poles as $\left ( -\frac{1}{10}+j\frac{2}{15} \right )$ and $\left ( -\frac{1}{10}-j\frac{2}{15} \right )$ is $7\ti...
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