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Inhaling the smoke from a burning ______________ could ____________ you quickly.tire / tiertire / tyretyre / tiretyre / tier
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A sphere of radius $r$ $\text{cm}$ is packed in a box of cubical shape.What should be the minimum volume (in $\text{cm}^{3}$) of the box that can enclose the sphere?$\fra...
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Pipes $\text{P}$ and $\text{Q}$ can fill a storage tank in full with water in $10$ and $6$ minutes, respectively. Pipe $\text{R}$ draws the water out from the storage tan...
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Six persons $\text{P, Q, R, S, T and U}$ are sitting around a circular table facing the center not necessarily in the same order. Consider the following statements:$\text...
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A building has several rooms and doors as shown in the top view of the building given below. The doors are closed initially.What is the minimum number of doors that need ...
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Rice, a versatile and inexpensive source of carbohydrate, is a critical component of diet worldwide. Climate change, causing extreme weather, poses a threat to sustained ...
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A game consists of spinning an arrow around a stationary disk as shown below. When the arrow comes to rest, there are eight equally likely outcomes. It could come to rest...
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​​​​​​​Consider the following inequalities.$3p \:– q < 4$$3q \:– p < 12$Which one of the following expressions below satisfies the above two inequalitie...
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Given below are three statements and four conclusions drawn based on the statements.Statement $1$ : Some engineers are writers.Statement $2$ : No writer is an actor.State...
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Which one of the following sets of pieces can be assembled to form a square with a single round hole near the center? Pieces cannot overlap.
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The value of $(1 + i)^{12}$, where $i = \sqrt{-1}$, is$-64i$$64i$$64$$-64$
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Given matrix $A = \begin{bmatrix} x & 1 & 3\\ y & 2 & 6\\ 3 & 5 & 7 \end{bmatrix}$, the ordered pair $(x, y)$ for which $\text{det}(A) = 0 $ is$(1, 1)$$(1, 2)$$(2, 2)$$(2...
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Let $f\left ( x \right ) = e ^{-\left |x \right |}$, where $x$ is real. The value of $\dfrac{df}{dx}$ at $x = -1$ is$-e$$e$$\frac{1}{e}$$\frac{-1}{e}$
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The value of the real variable $x \geq 0$, which maximizes the function $f\left ( x \right ) = x^{e} e ^{-x}$ is$e$$0$$\frac{1}{e}$$1$
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For a single component system at vapor-liquid equilibrium, the extensive variables $\text{A,V, S and N}$ denote the Helmholtz free energy, volume, entropy, and number of ...
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Consider turbulent flow in a pipe under isothermal conditions. Let $r$ denote the radial coordinate and $z$ denote the axial flow direction. On moving away from the wall ...
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Consider two stationary spherical pure water droplets of diameters $d_{1}$ and $2d_{1}$. $CO_{2}$ diffuses into the droplets from the surroundings. If the rate of diffusi...
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In soap manufacturing, the triglycerides present in oils and fats are hydrolyzed to mainly produceFatty acids and glycerolGlycerol onlyFatty acids onlyGlycerol and paraff...
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The chemical formula of Glauber’s salt, used in the Kraft process, is$Na_{2}CO_{3}.10H_{2}O$$Na_{2}S_{2}O_{4}.2H_{2}O$$Na_{2}HPO_{4}.2H_{2}O$$Na_{2}SO_{4}.10H_{2}O$
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Catalytic reforming is commonly used in the petroleum industry to improve fuel quality. The undesirable reaction in the catalytic reforming of naphtha isHydrocracking of ...
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A control system on the jacket side of a reactor is shown in the figure. Pressurized water flows through the jacket to cool the reactor. The heated water flashes in the b...
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Liquid flowing through a heat exchanger $\text{(HX)}$ is heated. A bypass stream is provided to control the temperature of the heated exit stream. From the given plumbing...
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The appropriate feedforward compensator, $G_{ff}$, in the shown block diagram is$G_{ff} = \dfrac{2}{3}\dfrac{\left ( 8s + 1\right )}{\left ( 5s + 1\right )}$$G_{ff} = -\d...
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Choose the option that correctly pairs the given measurement devices with the quantities they measure.$$\begin{array}{ccc} \hline\text{S No} & \text{Measurement Device} &...
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A simple distillation column is designed to separate an ideal binary mixture to specified distillate and bottoms purities at a given column pressure. It $RR_{\text{min}}$...
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The reaction $A \rightarrow B$ is carried out isothermally on a porous catalyst. The intrinsic reaction rate is $kC_{A}^{2}$, where $k$ is the rate constant and $C_{A}$ i...
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In an enzymatic reaction, an inhibitor $(I)$ competes with the substrate $(S)$ to bind with the enzyme $(E)$, thereby reducing the rate of product $(P)$ formation. The co...
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The area of a circular field is $25\: m^{2}$. The radius, $r$, is to be determined using the Newton-Raphson iterative method. For an initial guess of $r = 2.500\: m$, the...
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$5$ moles of liquid benzene, $8$ moles of liquid toluene and $7$ moles of liquid xylene are mixed at $25^{\circ}C$ and $1$ bar. Assuming the formation of an ideal solutio...
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A perfectly insulated double pipe heat exchanger is operating at steady state. Saturated steam enters the inner pipe at $100^{\circ}C$ and leaves as saturated water at $1...
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Consider steady-state diffusion in a binary $\text{A-B}$ liquid at constant temperature and pressure. The mole-fraction of $A$ at two different locations is $0.8$ and $0....
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Consider interphase mass transfer of a species $S$ between two immiscible liquids $A$ and $B$. The interfacial mass transfer coefficient ot $S$ in liquid $A$ is twice of ...
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A wet solid containing $20\%$ $\text{(w/w)}$ moisture (based on mass of bone-dry solid) is dried in a tray-dryer. The critical moisture content of the solid is $10\%$ $\t...
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A process described by the transfer function $$G_{P}\left ( s \right ) = \frac{\left ( 10s +1 \right )}{5s + 1}$$ is forced by a unit step input at time $t = 0$. The outp...
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A compressor with a lite of $10$ years costs Rs $10$ lakhs. Its yearly operating cost is Rs $0.5$ lakh. If the annual compound interest rate is $8\%$, the amount needed a...
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The partial differential equation $$\frac{\partial u}{\partial t} = \frac{1}{\pi^{2}} \frac{\partial ^{2} u}{\partial x^{2}}$$ where, $t \geq 0$ and $x \in [0,1]$, is sub...
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$N$ moles of an ideal gas undergo a two-step process as shown in the figure. Let $\text{P, V and T}$ denote the pressure, volume and temperature of the gas, respectively....
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A horizontal cylindrical water jet of diameter $D_{1} = 2\: cm$ strikes a vertical solid plate with a hole of diameter $D_{2} = 1\:cm$, as shown in the figure. A part of ...
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Consider a horizontal rod of radius $aR (a < 1)$ in a stationary pipe of radius $R$. The rod is pulled coaxially at a constant velocity $V$ as shown in the figure. The an...
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Consider a bare long copper wire of $1$ $\text{mm}$ diameter. Its surface temperature is $T_{s}$ and the ambient temperature is $T_{a}\:(T_{s} T_{a})$. The wire is to be...