Recent questions without answers

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A liquid phase irreversible reaction$A{\rightarrow}B$ is carried out in an adiabatic $CSTR$ operating under steady state conditions. The reaction is elementary and follow...
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A porous pellet with $Pt$ dispersed in it is used to carry out a catalytic reaction. Following two scenarios are possible.$Scenario\:1$ : $Pt$ present throughout the pore...
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A $CSTR$ has a long inlet pipe. A tracer is injected at the entrance of the pipe. The $E$-curve obtained at the exit of the $CSTR$ is shown in the figure below.Assuming p...
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A liquid flows through an “equal percentage” valve at a rate of $2\:m^{3}/h$ when the valve is $10\%$ open. When the valve opens to $20\%$ the flowrate increases to $...
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A $PI$ controller with integral time constant of $0.1$ min is to be designed to control a process with transfer function$$G_{P}\left ( s \right )=\frac{10}{s^{2}+2s+100}$...
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For a unit step input, the response of a second order system is$$y\left ( t \right )=K_{p} \left [ 1-\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-\zeta ^{2}}} e^{\frac{\zeta t}{\tau }}\sin\left ( \f...
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A vertical cylindrical tank with a flat roof and bottom is to be constructed for storing $150\:m^{3}$ of ethylene glycol. The cost of material and fabrication for the tan...
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A catalytic reforming plant produces hydrogen and benzene from cyclohexane by de-hydro aromatisation. In order to increase the production of hydrogen, the owner plans to ...
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Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the following sentence.The principle presented the chief guest with a _______________ , as token...
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Choose the appropriate word/phrase, out of the four options given below, to complete the following sentences:Frogs _____________________ .croakroarhisspatter
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Choose the word most similar in meaning to the given word:EduceExertEducateExtractExtend
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Operators $\square$ , $\lozenge$ and ${\rightarrow}$ are defined by: $a\:\square \:b=\frac{a-b}{a+b}; \:a\:\lozenge \:b=\frac{a+b}{a-b};\:a\rightarrow b=ab.$ Find the val...
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If $\log_{x}$ $(5/7)=-1/3$, then the value of $x$ is$343/125$$125/343$$-25/49$$-49/25$
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The following question presents a sentence, part of which is underlined. Beneath the sentence you find four ways of phrasing the underlined part. Following the requiremen...
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Read the following paragraph and choose the correct statement.Climate change has reduced human security and threatened human well being. An ignored reality of human progr...
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A cube of side $3$ units is formed using a set smaller cubes of side $1$ unit. Find the proportion of the number of faces of the smaller cubes visible to those which are ...
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Humpty Dumpty sits on a wall every day while having launch. The wall sometimes breaks. A person sitting on the wall falls if the wall breaks.Which one of the statements b...
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The following set of the three vectors$$\begin{pmatrix} 1\\2\\1 \end{pmatrix}, \begin{pmatrix} x\\6\\x \end{pmatrix}\:and \:\begin{pmatrix} 3\\4 \\2 \end{pmatrix},$$is li...
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For the matrix $\begin{pmatrix} 4 & 3\\ 3& 4 \end{pmatrix}$, if $\begin{pmatrix} 1\\ 1 \end{pmatrix}$ is an eigenvector, the corresponding eigenvalue is __________ .
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Consider a linear ordinary differential equation: $\frac{dy}{dx}+p\left ( x \right )y=r\left ( x \right )$. Functions $p\left ( x \right )$ and $r\left ( x \right )$ are...
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A complex-valued function, $f(z)$, given below is analytic in domain $D$:$$f\left ( z \right )=u\left ( x,y\right )+i\nu \left ( x,y\right )\:\:\:\:\:\:\:z=x+iy$$Which of...
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A scalar function in the $xy$-plane is given by $\phi \left ( x,y \right )=x^{2}+y^{2}$. If $\hat{i}$ and $\hat{j}$ are unit vectors in the $x$ and $y$ directions, the d...
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For a pure liquid, the rate of change of vapour pressure with temperature is $0.1$ bar/$K$ in the temperature range of $300$ to $350\:K$. If the boiling point of the liqu...
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Three identical closed systems of a pure gas are taken from an initial temperature and pressure $(T_{1},P_{1})$ to a final state $(T_{2},P_{2})$, each by a different path...
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For a gas phase cracking reaction $A{\rightarrow}B+C$ at $300^{\circ}$, the Gibbs free energy of the reaction at this temperature is $\Delta G^{\circ}=-2750$ $J$/mol. The...
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If $v,\:u,\:s$ and $g$ represent respectively the molar volume, molar internal energy, molar entropy and molar Gibbs free energy, then match the entries in the left and r...
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Two different liquids are flowing through different pipes of the same diameter. In the first pipe, the flow is laminar with centerline velocity, $V_{max,1}$, whereas in t...
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For uniform laminar flow over a flat plate, the thickness of the boundary layer, $\delta$ at a distance $x$ from the leading edge of the plate follows the reaction :$\del...
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A cylindrical packed bed of height $1\:m$ is filled with equal sized spherical particles. The particles are nonporous and have a density of $1500$ kg/$m^{3}$. The void fr...
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Two infinitely large parallel plates ($I$ and $II$) are held at temperatures $T_{I}$ and $T_{II}$ $(T_{I}>T_{II})$ respectively, and placed at a distance $2d$ apart in va...
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For a binary mixture of components $A$ and $B$, $N_{A}$ and $N_{B}$ denote the total molar fluxes of components $A$ and $B$, respectively. $J_{A}$ and $J_{B}$ are the cor...
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Benzene is removed from air by absorbing it n a non-volatile wash-oil at $100$ $kPa$ in a counter- current gas absorber. Gas flow rate is $100$ mol/min , which includes $...
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A spherical naphthalene ball of $2\:mm$ diameter is subliming very slowly in stagnant air at $25^{\circ}C$. The change in the size of the ball during the sublimation can ...
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Which of the following can change if only the catalyst is changed for a reaction system?Enthalpy of reactionActivation energyFree energy of the reactionEquilibrium consta...
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For which reaction order, the half-Iife of the reactant is half of the full lifetime (time for $100 \%$ conversion) of the reactant ?Zero orderHalf orderFirst orderSecond...
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An irreversible, homogeneous reaction $A{\rightarrow}$ products, has the rate expression:Rate = $\frac{2C_{A}^{2}+0.1C_{A}}{1+50C_{A}}$, where $C_{A}$ is the concentratio...
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Match the output signals as obtained from four measuring devices in response to a unit step change in the input signal.$\begin{array}{cc}\&\text{P. Gas chromatograph, wit...
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The transfer function for the disturbance response in an open-loop process is given by $G_{d}^{open}(s)$. The corresponding transfer function for the disturbance response...
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Identify the $WRONG$ statement amongst the following:Steam distillation is used for mixtures that are immiscible with water.Vacuum distillation is used for mixtures that ...