Recent questions without a selected answer

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A multi-stage, counter-current liquid-liquid extractor is used to separate solute $C$ from a binary mixture $(F)$ of $A$ and $C$ using solvent $B$. Pure solvent $B$ is re...
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A binary feed consisting of $25$ mol$\%$ liquid and $75$ mol$\%$ vapour is separated in a staged distillation column. The mole fraction of the more volatile component in ...
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Consider a steady state mass transfer process between well-mixed liquid and vapour phases of a binary mixture comprising of components $A$ and $B$. The mole fractions of ...
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Adsorption on activated carbon is to be used for reducing phenol concentration in wastewater from $0.04$ mol/$1$ to $0.008$ mol/$1$. The adsorption isotherm at the operat...
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Consider two steady isothermal flow configurations shown schematically as Case $I$ and Case $II$ below. In Case $I$, a $CSTR$ of volume $V_{1}$ is followed by a $PFR$ of ...
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A catalyst slab of half-thickness $L$ (the width and length of the slab $>>\:L$) is used to conduct thefirst order reaction $A{\rightarrow} B$. At $450\: K$, the Thiele m...
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The impulse response to a tracer pulse experiment or a flow reactor is given below :In the above figure, $C$ is the exit tracer concentration. The corresponding $E$ or $E...
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An isothermal steady state mixed flow reactor $(CSTR)$ of $1\:m^{3}$ volume is used to carry out the first order liquid-phase reaction $A{\rightarrow}$ products. Fresh fe...
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Which one of the following transfer functions, upon a unit step change in disturbance at $t=0$, will show a stable time domain response with a negative initial slope (i.e...
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The block diagram for a process with feedback control for output deviation $h$ is shown in the figure below. All transfer functions are given with pre-factor of $s$ in mi...
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Consider a control system with the open loop transfer function given by :$G_{OL}\left ( s \right )=\frac{K_{c}e^{-0.3z}}{1.5s+1}$In the above function, pre-factor of $s$ ...
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The cost of two independent process variables $f_{1}$ and $f_{2}$ affects the total cost $C_{T}$ (in lakhs of rupees) of the process as per the following function :$$C_{T...
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A proposed chemical plant is estimated to have a fixed capital $(FC)$ of $Rs$. $24$ crores. Assuming other costs to be small, the total investment may be taken to be same...
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Select the $\text{WRONG}$ statement regarding water gas shift converters from the list below.Inter-stage cooling is provided between the two stages of shift converters Us...
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If $y=5x^{2}+3,$ then the tangent at $x=0,y=3$passes through $x=0,y=0$has a slope of $+1$is parallel to the $x$-axishas a slope of $-1$
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A foundry has a fixed daily cost of Rs $50,000$ whenever it operates and a variable cost of Rs $800Q,$ where $Q$ is the daily production in tonnes. What is the cost of pr...
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Find the odd one in the following group: $\text{ALRVX, EPVZB, ITZDF, OYEIK}$$\text{ALRVX}$$\text{EPVZB}$$\text{ITZDF}$$\text{OYEIK}$
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Anuj, Bhola, Chandan, Dilip, Eswar and Faisal live on different floors in a six-storeyed building (the ground floor is numbered $1,$ the floor above it $2,$ and so on). A...
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The smallest angle of a triangle is equal to two thirds of the smallest angle of a quadrilateral. The ratio between the angles of the quadrilateral is $3:4:5:6.$ The larg...
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One percent of the people of country $X$ are taller than $6$ ft. Two percent of the people of country $Y$ are taller than $6$ ft. There are thrice as many people in count...
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The monthly rainfall chart based on $50$ years of rainfall in Agra is shown in the following figure. Which of the following are true? ($k$ percentile is the value such th...
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A student is required to demonstrate a high level of comprehension of the subject, especially in the social sciences.The word closest in meaning to comprehension isunders...
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Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the following sentence.One of his biggest ______ was his ability to forgive.vicevirtueschoicesst...
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Rajan was not happy that Sajan decided to do the project on his own. On observing his unhappiness, Sajan explained to Rajan that he preferred to work independently.Which ...
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In a steady and incompressible flow of a fluid (density = $1.25\: kg\: m^{-3}$), the difference between stagnation and static pressures at the same location in the flow i...
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Consider a binary liquid mixture at equilibrium with its vapour at $25^{\circ}C$.Antoine equation for this system is given as $log_{10}\:p_{t}^{sat}=A-\frac{B}{t+C}$ wher...
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A process with transfer function, $G_{p}=\frac{2}{s-1}$ is to be controlled by a feedback proportional controller with a gain $K_{c}$. If the transfer functions of all ot...
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Consider the following block diagram for a closed-loop feedback control system A proportional controller is being used with $K_{c}=-4$. If a step change in distrubance of...
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Determine the correctness or otherwise of the following Assertion $[a]$ and Reason $[r]$Assertion: Significant combustion of coke takes place only if it is heated at high...
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Match the raw materials of Group-$1$ and $2$ with the final products of Group-$3$$$\begin{array}&&\textbf{Group 1} & \textbf{Group 2} & \textbf{Group 3} \\ &\text{P$_{1}$...
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A cash flow of Rs. $12,000$ per year is received at the end year (uniform periodic payment) for $7$ consecutive years. The rate of interest is $9\%$ per year compounded a...
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A polymer plant with a production capacity of $10,000$ tons per year has an overall yield of $70\%$, on mass basis ($kg$ of product per $kg$ of raw material), The raw mat...
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A step change of magnitude $2$ is introduced into a system having the following transfer function$$G\left ( s \right )=\frac{2}{s^{2}+2s+4}$$The percent overshoot is ____...
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Given below is a simplified block diagram of a feedforward control system.The transfer function of the process is $G_{p}=\frac{5}{s+1}$ and the disturbance transfer funct...
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The bottom face of a horizontal slab of thickness $6 \:mm$ is maintained at $300^{\circ}C$. The top face is exposed to a flowing gas at $30^{\circ}C$. The thermal conduct...
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In a steady incompressible flow, the velocity distribution is given by $\bar{V}=3x\hat{i}-Py\hat{j}+5z\hat{k}$, where, $V$ is in $m/s$ and $x,y$ and $z$ are in $m$. In or...
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Match the following$$\begin{array}&&\textbf{Group I} & \textbf{Group II} \\ &\text{P. Turbulence} & \text{I. Reciprocating pump}\\&\text{Q. $NPSH$} & \text{II. Packed be...
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A binary distillation column is operating with a mixed feed containing $20$ mol$\%$ vapour. If the feed quality is changed to $80$ mol$\%$ vapour, the change is the slope...
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A homogenous reaction $(R{\rightarrow}P)$ occurs in a batch reactor. The conversion of the reactant $R$ is $67\%$ after $10$ minutes and $80\%$ after $20$ minutes. The ra...
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A vapour phase catalytic reaction $(Q+R{\rightarrow}S)$ follows Rideal mechanism ($R$ and $S$ are not absorbed). Initially, the mixture contains only the reactants in equ...