Recent questions without a selected answer

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Consider interphase mass transfer of a species $S$ between two immiscible liquids $A$ and $B$. The interfacial mass transfer coefficient ot $S$ in liquid $A$ is twice of ...
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A wet solid containing $20\%$ $\text{(w/w)}$ moisture (based on mass of bone-dry solid) is dried in a tray-dryer. The critical moisture content of the solid is $10\%$ $\t...
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A process described by the transfer function $$G_{P}\left ( s \right ) = \frac{\left ( 10s +1 \right )}{5s + 1}$$ is forced by a unit step input at time $t = 0$. The outp...
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A compressor with a lite of $10$ years costs Rs $10$ lakhs. Its yearly operating cost is Rs $0.5$ lakh. If the annual compound interest rate is $8\%$, the amount needed a...
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The partial differential equation $$\frac{\partial u}{\partial t} = \frac{1}{\pi^{2}} \frac{\partial ^{2} u}{\partial x^{2}}$$ where, $t \geq 0$ and $x \in [0,1]$, is sub...
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$N$ moles of an ideal gas undergo a two-step process as shown in the figure. Let $\text{P, V and T}$ denote the pressure, volume and temperature of the gas, respectively....
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A horizontal cylindrical water jet of diameter $D_{1} = 2\: cm$ strikes a vertical solid plate with a hole of diameter $D_{2} = 1\:cm$, as shown in the figure. A part of ...
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Consider a horizontal rod of radius $aR (a < 1)$ in a stationary pipe of radius $R$. The rod is pulled coaxially at a constant velocity $V$ as shown in the figure. The an...
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Consider a bare long copper wire of $1$ $\text{mm}$ diameter. Its surface temperature is $T_{s}$ and the ambient temperature is $T_{a}\:(T_{s} T_{a})$. The wire is to be...
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Two large parallel planar walls are maintained at $1000\:K$ and $500\:K$. Parallel radiation shields are to be installed between the two walls. Assume that the emissiviti...
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Saturated steam condenses on a vertical plate maintained at a constant wall temperature. If $x$ is the vertical distance from the top edge of the plate, then the local he...
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Match the product in Group-$1$ with the manufacturing process in Group-$2$. The correct combination is$$\begin{array}{|c|c|} \hline\text{} & \text{Group – 1} & & \text{...
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The directional derivative of $f\left ( x, y, z \right ) = 4x^{2}+2y^{2}+z^{2}$ at the point $(1, 1, 1)$ in the direction of the vector $\vec{v} = \hat{i} - \hat{k}$ is _...
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Consider a sphere of radius $4$, centered at the origin, with outward unit normal $\hat{n}$ on its surface $S$. The value of the surface integral $\iint _{s} \left ( \dfr...
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The equation $\dfrac{dy}{dx} = xy^{2}+ 2y+ x- 4.5$ with the initial condition $y(x= 0) = 1$ is to be solved using a predictor-corrector approach. Use a predictor based on...
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A substance at $4^{\circ}C$ has a thermal expansion coefficient $\beta = \dfrac{1}{v}\left ( \dfrac{\partial v}{\partial T} \right )_P =0 \:K^{-1}$, an isothermal compres...
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The molar excess Gibbs free energy $(g^{E})$ of a liquid mixture of $A$ and $B$ is given by $$\frac{g^{E}}{RT} = x_{A}x_{B}\left [ C_{1} + C_{2} \left ( x_{A} - x_{B} \ri...
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For a pure substance, the following data at saturated conditions are given:$$\begin{array}{cccc}\text{ln}\:{P^{\text{sat}} (\text{bar})} & \text{T (K)} \\ 0.693 & 350 \\ ...
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Consider the process flowsheet in the figure. An irreversible liquid-phase reaction $A \rightarrow B$ (reaction rate $-r_{A} = 164 \:x_{A}\text{ kmol }m^{-3}\:h^{-1}$) oc...
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Two reservoirs located at the same altitude are connected by a straight horizontal pipe of length $120\:m$ and inner diameter $0.5\:m$, as shown in the figure. A pump tra...
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A venturi meter (venturi coefficient, $C_{v} = 0.98$) is connected to a pipe of inner diameter $50$ $\text{mm}$. Water (density $1000\:kg\:m^{-3}$) is flowing through the...
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In a constant-rate cake filtration operation, the collected filtrate volumes are $120\:m^{3}$ and $240\:m^{3}$ at $1$ min and $2$ min, respectively. Assume the cake resis...
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A cylindrical fin of diameter $24$ $\text{mm}$ is attached horizontally to a vertical planar wall. The heat transfer rate from the tin to the surrounding ar is $60\%$ of ...
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A single-effect evaporator with a heat transfer area of $70\:m^{2}$ concentrates a salt solution using steam. The salt solution feed rate and temperature are $10000\:kg\:...
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An equimolar binary mixture is to be separated in a simple tray-distillation column. The feed rate is $50\text{ kmol min}^{-1}$ . The mole fractions of the more volatile ...
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The dry-bulb temperature of air in a room is $30^{\circ}C$. The Antoine equation for wateris given as $$\text{ln} P^{sat} = 12.00 -\frac{4000}{T - 40}$$ where $T$ is the ...
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In the block diagram shown in the figure, the transfer function $G = \dfrac{K}{\left ( \tau s + 1 \right )}$ with $K 0$ and $\tau 0$. The maximum value of $K$ below whi...
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Consider the tank level control system shown in the figure, where the cross-section area of the tank is $A$. Assume perfect flow controllers $\text{(FC)}$. The level cont...
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Consider a single-input-single-output $\text{(SISO)}$ system with the transfer function $$G_{P}\left ( s \right ) =\frac{2\left ( s + 1 \right )}{\left ( \dfrac{1}{2} s +...
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Information for a proposed greenfield project is provided in the table. The discounted cash flow for the fourth year is Rs ___________________ crores (rounded off to one ...
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Consider the process in the figure. The liquid phase elementary reactions $$A + B \rightarrow P \:\:\:\: -r_{B1} = k_{1}\:x_{A}\:x_{B}$$ $$P + B \rightarrow S \:\:\:\: -r...
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An elementary irreversible liquid-phase reaction, $2A \rightarrow B$, is carried out under isothermal conditions in a $1\:m^{3}$ ideal plug flow reactor $\text{(PFR)}$ as...
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An elementary irreversıble gas-phase reaction, $A \rightarrow B + C$, is carried out at fixed temperature and pressure in two separate ideal reactors: $(i)$ a $10\:m^{3}...
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An elementary irreversible liquid-phase reaction, $2P \overset{k}{\rightarrow}Q$, where the rate constant $k = 2\:L\:\text{mol}^{-1}\:\text{min} ^{-1}$, takes place in an...
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The ratio of boys to girls in a class is $7$ to $3$.Among the options below, an acceptable value for the total number of students in the class is:$21$$37$$50$$73$
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A polygon is convex if, for every pair of points, $P$ and $Q$ belonging to the polygon, the line segment $PQ$ lies completely inside or on the polygon. Which one of the f...
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Consider the following sentences:Everybody in the class is prepared for the exam.Babu invited Danish to his home because he enjoys playing chess.Which of the following is...
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A circular sheet of paper is folded along the lines in the direction shown. The paper, after being punched in the final folded state as shown and unfolded in the reverse ...
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____________ is to $\textit{surgery}$ as $\textit{writer}$ is to __________Which one of the following options maintains a similar logical relation in the above sentence?P...
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We have $2$ rectangular sheets of paper, $M$ and $N$, of dimensions $6$ cm $\times$ $1$ cm each. Sheet $M$ is rolled to form an open cylinder by bringing the short edges ...