Recent questions without a selected answer

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Partially saturated air at $1 \; \mathrm{bar}$ and $50^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$ is contacted with water in an adiabatic saturator. The air is cooled and humidified to saturati...
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Distillation of a non-reactive binary mixture with components $A$ and $B$ is carried out in a batch still as shown in the figure below. The initial charge of the mixture ...
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Fresh catalyst is loaded into a reactor before the start of the following catalytic reaction.$$\textbf{A} \longrightarrow \textbf{products}$$The catalyst gets deactivated...
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A unimolecular, irreversible liquid-phase reaction$$\boldsymbol{A} \longrightarrow \boldsymbol{P}$$was carried out in an ideal batch reactor at temperature $T$. The rate ...
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An irreversible liquid-phase second-order reaction$$\boldsymbol{A} \stackrel{k}{\longrightarrow} \boldsymbol{B}$$with rate constant $k=0.2$ liter. $\mathrm{mol}^{-1} \mat...
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The outlet concentration $C_A$ of a plug flow reactor $\text{(PFR)}$ is controlled by manipulating the inlet concentration $C_{A 0}$. The following transfer function desc...
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The transfer function of a measuring instrument is$$G_m(s)=\frac{1.05}{2 s+1} \exp (-s) .$$At time $t=0$, a step change of $+1$ unit is introduced in the input of this in...
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A design engineer needs to purchase a membrane module $(\mathrm{M})$ for a plant. Details about the two available options, $\text{M1}$ and $\text{M2,}$ are given in the t...
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The purchase cost of a new distillation column is $\text{Rs. 10 lakhs}$ with an installation factor of $5.8.$ The cost of the capital is to be annualized over a period of...
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Pumps $A$ and $B$ are being considered for purchase in a chemical plant. Cost details for these two pumps are given in the table below. The interest rate is $10 \%$ per a...
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Inhaling the smoke from a burning ______________ could ____________ you quickly.tire / tiertire / tyretyre / tiretyre / tier
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A sphere of radius $r$ $\text{cm}$ is packed in a box of cubical shape.What should be the minimum volume (in $\text{cm}^{3}$) of the box that can enclose the sphere?$\fra...
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Pipes $\text{P}$ and $\text{Q}$ can fill a storage tank in full with water in $10$ and $6$ minutes, respectively. Pipe $\text{R}$ draws the water out from the storage tan...
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Six persons $\text{P, Q, R, S, T and U}$ are sitting around a circular table facing the center not necessarily in the same order. Consider the following statements:$\text...
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Rice, a versatile and inexpensive source of carbohydrate, is a critical component of diet worldwide. Climate change, causing extreme weather, poses a threat to sustained ...
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A game consists of spinning an arrow around a stationary disk as shown below. When the arrow comes to rest, there are eight equally likely outcomes. It could come to rest...
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​​​​​​​Consider the following inequalities.$3p \:– q < 4$$3q \:– p < 12$Which one of the following expressions below satisfies the above two inequalitie...
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Given below are three statements and four conclusions drawn based on the statements.Statement $1$ : Some engineers are writers.Statement $2$ : No writer is an actor.State...
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Which one of the following sets of pieces can be assembled to form a square with a single round hole near the center? Pieces cannot overlap.
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The value of $(1 + i)^{12}$, where $i = \sqrt{-1}$, is$-64i$$64i$$64$$-64$
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Given matrix $A = \begin{bmatrix} x & 1 & 3\\ y & 2 & 6\\ 3 & 5 & 7 \end{bmatrix}$, the ordered pair $(x, y)$ for which $\text{det}(A) = 0 $ is$(1, 1)$$(1, 2)$$(2, 2)$$(2...
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Let $f\left ( x \right ) = e ^{-\left |x \right |}$, where $x$ is real. The value of $\dfrac{df}{dx}$ at $x = -1$ is$-e$$e$$\frac{1}{e}$$\frac{-1}{e}$
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The value of the real variable $x \geq 0$, which maximizes the function $f\left ( x \right ) = x^{e} e ^{-x}$ is$e$$0$$\frac{1}{e}$$1$
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For a single component system at vapor-liquid equilibrium, the extensive variables $\text{A,V, S and N}$ denote the Helmholtz free energy, volume, entropy, and number of ...
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Consider turbulent flow in a pipe under isothermal conditions. Let $r$ denote the radial coordinate and $z$ denote the axial flow direction. On moving away from the wall ...
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Consider two stationary spherical pure water droplets of diameters $d_{1}$ and $2d_{1}$. $CO_{2}$ diffuses into the droplets from the surroundings. If the rate of diffusi...
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In soap manufacturing, the triglycerides present in oils and fats are hydrolyzed to mainly produceFatty acids and glycerolGlycerol onlyFatty acids onlyGlycerol and paraff...
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The chemical formula of Glauber’s salt, used in the Kraft process, is$Na_{2}CO_{3}.10H_{2}O$$Na_{2}S_{2}O_{4}.2H_{2}O$$Na_{2}HPO_{4}.2H_{2}O$$Na_{2}SO_{4}.10H_{2}O$
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Catalytic reforming is commonly used in the petroleum industry to improve fuel quality. The undesirable reaction in the catalytic reforming of naphtha isHydrocracking of ...
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A control system on the jacket side of a reactor is shown in the figure. Pressurized water flows through the jacket to cool the reactor. The heated water flashes in the b...
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Liquid flowing through a heat exchanger $\text{(HX)}$ is heated. A bypass stream is provided to control the temperature of the heated exit stream. From the given plumbing...
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The appropriate feedforward compensator, $G_{ff}$, in the shown block diagram is$G_{ff} = \dfrac{2}{3}\dfrac{\left ( 8s + 1\right )}{\left ( 5s + 1\right )}$$G_{ff} = -\d...
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Choose the option that correctly pairs the given measurement devices with the quantities they measure.$$\begin{array}{ccc} \hline\text{S No} & \text{Measurement Device} &...
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A simple distillation column is designed to separate an ideal binary mixture to specified distillate and bottoms purities at a given column pressure. It $RR_{\text{min}}$...
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The reaction $A \rightarrow B$ is carried out isothermally on a porous catalyst. The intrinsic reaction rate is $kC_{A}^{2}$, where $k$ is the rate constant and $C_{A}$ i...
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In an enzymatic reaction, an inhibitor $(I)$ competes with the substrate $(S)$ to bind with the enzyme $(E)$, thereby reducing the rate of product $(P)$ formation. The co...
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The area of a circular field is $25\: m^{2}$. The radius, $r$, is to be determined using the Newton-Raphson iterative method. For an initial guess of $r = 2.500\: m$, the...
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$5$ moles of liquid benzene, $8$ moles of liquid toluene and $7$ moles of liquid xylene are mixed at $25^{\circ}C$ and $1$ bar. Assuming the formation of an ideal solutio...
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A perfectly insulated double pipe heat exchanger is operating at steady state. Saturated steam enters the inner pipe at $100^{\circ}C$ and leaves as saturated water at $1...
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Consider steady-state diffusion in a binary $\text{A-B}$ liquid at constant temperature and pressure. The mole-fraction of $A$ at two different locations is $0.8$ and $0....