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The solution of the ordinary differential equation$\frac{dy}{dx}+3y=1$, subjects to the initial condition $y=1$ at $x=0$, is$\frac{1}{3}\left ( 1+2e^{-x/3} \right )$$\fra...
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The value of the complex number $i^{-1/2}$ (where $i=\sqrt{-1}$) is $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left ( 1-i \right )$$-\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}i$$\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}i$$\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}...
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An incompressible Newtonian fluid flows in a pipe of diameter $D_{1}$ at volumetric flow rate $Q$. Fluid with same properties flows in another pipe of diameter $D_{2}=D_...
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A disk turbine is used to stir a liquid in a baffled tank. To design the agitator, experiments are performed in a lab-scale model with a turbine diameter of $0.05 \:m$ an...
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Consider two non-interacting tanks-in-series as shown in figure. Water enters $TANK$ $1$ at $q$ $cm^{3}/s$ and drains down to $TANK$ $2$ by gravity at a rate $k\sqrt{h_{1...
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Choose the option that correctly matches the step response curve on the left with the appropriate transfer functions on the right. The step input change occurs at time $t...
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$100$ $kg$ of a feed containing $50$ $wt.\%$ of a solute $C$ is contacted with $80$ $kg$ of a solvent containing $0.5$ $wt.\%$ of $C$ is a mixer-settler unit. From the op...
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The combination that correctly matches the process in Group-$1$ with the entries in Group-$2$ is $\begin{array}{cc}\&\text{Group-1} & \text{Group-2} \\ &\text{P. Wulff pr...
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If $x,y$ and $z$ are directions in a Cartesian coordinate system and $i$, $j$ and $k$ are the respective unit vectors, the directional derivative of the function $u\left ...
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Two unbiased dice are thrown. Each dice can show any number between $1$ and $6$. The probability that the sum of the outcomes of the two dice is divisible by $4$ is _____...
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The Newton-Raphson method is used to determine the root of the equation $f(x)=e^{-x}-x$. If the initial guess for the root is 0, the estimate of the root after two iterat...
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Carbon monoxide $(CO)$ reacts with hydrogen sulphide $(H_2S)$ at a constant temperature of $800\:K$ and a constant pressure of 2 bar as:$$CO+H_2S\leftrightharpoons COS+H_...
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For a given binary system at constant temperature and pressure, the molar volume (in $m^{3}$/mol) is given by: $v=30x_{A}+20x_{B}+x_{A}x_{B}\left ( 15x_{A} -7x_{B}\right ...
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Consider a vessel containing steam at $180^{\circ}C$.The initial steam quality is $0.5$ and the initial volume of the vessel in $1$ $m^{3}$. The vessel loses heat at a co...
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A fractionator recovers $95$ mol $\%$ $n$-propane as the distillate from an equimolar mixture of $n$-propane and $n$-butane. The condensate is a saturated liquid at $55^{...
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A centrifugal pump is used to pump water (density $1000$ $kg/m^{3}$) from an inlet pressure of $10^{5}$ $Pa$ to an exit pressure of $2 \times 10^{5}$ $Pa$. The exit is at...
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A solid sphere of radius $1$ $cm$ and initial temperature of $25^{\circ}\:C$ is exposed to a gas stream at $100^{\circ}\:C$. For the solid sphere, the density is $10^{4}$...
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Stream $A$ with specific heat capacity $C_{PA}=2000\:J/\left ( kg\:K \right )$ is cooled from $90^{\circ}C$ to $45^{\circ}C$ in a concentric double pipe counter current...
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A $20$ $cm$ diameter cylindrical solid pellet of a nuclear fuel with density $6000\: kg/m^{3}$ and conductivity of $300\:W/\left ( m\:K \right )$ generates heat by nucle...
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The elementary, irreversible liquid-phase, parallel reactions, $2A\rightarrow D$ and $2A\rightarrow U$, take place in an isothermal non-ideal reactor. The $C$-curve measu...
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A first-order irreversible liquid phase reaction $A\rightarrow B\left ( k=0.1\:min^{-1} \right )$ is carried out under isothermal, steady state conditions in the followin...
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The elementary liquid-phase irreversible reactions$A\overset{k_{1}=0.4\: min^{-1}}{\rightarrow}B\overset{k_{2}=0.1\:min^{-1}}{\rightarrow}C$take place in an isothermal id...
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The elementary irreversible gas-phase reaction $A\rightarrow B+C$ is carried out adiabatically in an ideal $CSTR$ (Continuous-Stirred Tank Reactor) operating at 10 $atm$....
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For the closed loop system shown in figure, the phase margin (in degrees) is ____________ (rounded off to one decimal place).
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Two spherical camphor particles of radii $20$ $cm$ and $5$ $cm$ far away from each other, are undergiong sublimation in a stream of air. The mass transfer coefficient is ...
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A countercurrent absorption tower is designed to remove $95\%$ of component $A$ from an incoming binary gas mixture using pure solvent $B$. The mole ratio of $A$ in the i...
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A binary mixture with components $A$ and $B$ is to be separated in a distillation column to obtain $95$ mol$\%$ $A$ as the top product. The binary mixture has a constant ...
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Consider the reactor-separator-recycle process operating under steady state conditions as shown in the figure. The reactor is an ideal Continuous-Stirred Tank Reactor ($C...
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Consider two competing equipment $A$ and $B$. For a compound interest rate of $10\%$ per annum, in order for equipment $B$ to be the economically cheaper option, its mini...
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A taxi-car is bought for $Rs\: 10$ lakhs. Its salvage value is zero. The expected yearly income after paying all expenses and applicable taxes is $Rs$ $3$ lakhs. The comp...
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The value of $\underset{x\rightarrow 0}{\lim}\:\frac{\tan\left ( x \right )}{x}$ is ________________.
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The real part of $6e^{i\pi /3}$ is _______________.
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The number of positive roots of the function $f(x)$ shown below in the range $0<x<6$ is ___________________.
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Let $i$ and $j$ be the unit vectors in the $x$ and $y$ directions, respectively. For the function $F\left ( x,y \right )=x^{3}+y^{2}$ the gradient of the function. i.e.. ...
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The marks obtained by a set of students are: $38,\:84,\:45,\:70,\:75,\:60,\;48$.The mean and median marks, respectively, are$45$ and $75$$55$ and $48$$60$ and $60$$60$ an...
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The volumetric properties of two gases $M$ and $N$ are described by the generalized compressibility chart which expresses the compressibility factor $(Z)$ as a function o...
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Water is heated at atmospheric pressure from $40^{\circ}C$ to $80^{\circ}C$ using two different processes. In process $I$, the heating is done by a source at $80^{\circ}C...
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In a venturi meter. $\Delta P_{1}$ and $\Delta P_{2}$ are the pressure drops corresponding to volumetric flowrates $Q_{1}$ and $Q_{2}$. If $Q_{2}/Q_{1}=2$, then $\Delta P...
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The thickness of laminar boundary layer over a flat plate varies along the distance from the leading edge of the plate. As the distance increase, the boundary layer thic...
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Which of the following is the correct sequence of equipment for size reduction of solids?