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Consider a fluid confined between two horizontal parallel plates and subjected to shear flow.In the first experiment, the plates are separated by a distance of $1 \: mm$....
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A circular sheet of paper is folded along the lines in the direction shown. The paper, after being punched in the final folded state as shown and unfolded in the reverse ...
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A viscous liquid is pumped through a pipe network in a chemical plant. The annual pumping cost per unit length of pipe is given by $$C_{\text{pump}} = \dfrac{48.13\: q^2 ...
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The heat of combustion of methane, carbon monoxide and hydrogen are $P$, $Q$ and $R$ respectively. For the reaction below, $$CH_4+H_2O \rightarrow CO+3H_2$$ the heat of r...
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Consider a steady flow of an incompressible, Newtonian fluid through a smooth circular pipe. Let $\alpha_{\textit{laminar}}$ and $\alpha_{\textit{turbulent}}$ denote the ...
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A batch settling experiment is performed in a long column using a dilute dispersion containing equal number of particles of type $A$ and type $B$ in water (density $1000 ...
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A feedforward controller can be used only ifthe disturbance variable can be measuredthe disturbance variable can be manipulatedthe disturbance variable can be ignoredregu...
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A source placed at the origin of a circular sample holder (radius $r=1 \: m$) emits particles uniformly in all directions. A detector of length $l=1 \: cm$ has been place...
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There are five bags each containing identical sets of ten distinct chocolates. One chocolate is picked from each bag. The probability that at least two chocolates are ide...
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For a shell-and-tube heat exchanger, the clean overall heat transfer coefficient is calculated as $\text{250 W m$^{-2}$ K}^{-1}$ for a specific process condition. It is e...
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A principal amount is charged a nominal annual interest rate of $10 \%$. If the interest rate is compounded continuously, the final amount at the end of the one year woul...
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Ethylene adsorbs on the vacant active sites $V$ of a transition metal catalyst according to the following mechanism.If $N_T, N_V$ and $N_{C_2H_4}$ denote the total number...
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The inherent characteristics of the three control valves $P$, $Q$ and $R$ are shown in the figure.The $\text{CORRECT}$ option(s) is/are$P$ is a quick opening valve$Q$ is ...
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The function $\cos(x)$ is approximated using Taylor series around $x=0$ as $\cos(x) \approx 1 + ax + bx^2 + cx^3 + dx^4$. The values of $a,b,c$ and $d$ are$a=1, \: b=-0....
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Feed solution $\textbf{F}$ is contacted with solvent $\textbf{B}$ in an extraction process. Carrier liquid in the feed if $\textbf{A}$ and the solute is $\textbf{C}$. The...
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In a solvent regeneration process, a gas is used to strip a solute from a liquid in a countercurrent packed tower operating under isothermal condition. Pure gas is used i...
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An ordinary differential equation $\text{(ODE)}, \: \dfrac{dy}{dx}=2y$, with an initial condition $y(0)=1$, has the analytical solution $y=e^{2x}$.Using Runge-Kutta secon...
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____________ is to $\textit{surgery}$ as $\textit{writer}$ is to __________Which one of the following options maintains a similar logical relation in the above sentence?P...
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Some people suggest anti-obesity measures $\text{(AOM)}$ such as displaying calorie information in restaurant menus. Such measures sidestep addressing the core problems t...
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Given below are two statements $1$ and $2$, and two conclusions $\text{I}$ and $\text{II}$.$\text{Statement 1}$: All bacteria are microorganisms.$\text{Statement 2}$: All...
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We have $2$ rectangular sheets of paper, $M$ and $N$, of dimensions $6$ cm $\times$ $1$ cm each. Sheet $M$ is rolled to form an open cylinder by bringing the short edges ...
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$$\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline \textbf{Items} & \textbf{Cost} & \textbf{Profit} \% & \textbf{Marked Price} \\ & (₹) && (₹) \\ \hline P & 5,400 & \dots & 5,860 \\ ...
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Turnover ratio is defined as$\dfrac{\text{Fixed capital investment}}{\text{Gross annual sales}} \\$$\dfrac{\text{Gross annual sales}}{\text{Fixed capital investment}} \\$...
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The van der Waals equation of the state is given by$$P_r = \dfrac{8T_r}{3v_r-1} – \dfrac{3}{v_r^2}$$where $P_r$, $T_r$ and $v_r$ represent reduced pressure, reduced tem...
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Let $A$ be a square matrix of size $n \times n (n>1)$. The elements of $A=\{a_{ij}\}$ are given by $$a_{ij} = \begin{cases} i \times j, & \text{if } i \geq j \\ 0, & \tex...
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Consider the following sentences:Everybody in the class is prepared for the exam.Babu invited Danish to his home because he enjoys playing chess.Which of the following is...
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The ratio of boys to girls in a class is $7$ to $3$.Among the options below, an acceptable value for the total number of students in the class is:$21$$37$$50$$73$
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A polygon is convex if, for every pair of points, $P$ and $Q$ belonging to the polygon, the line segment $PQ$ lies completely inside or on the polygon. Which one of the f...
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–1 votes
In a batch drying experiment, a solid with a critical moisture content of $0.2 \: kg$ $H_2O/kg$ dry solid is dried from an initial moisture content of $0.35 \: kg$ $H_2O/...
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The molar heat capacity at constant pressure $C_p$ (in $\text{J mol}^{-1} K^{-1}$) for $n$-pentane as a function of temperature $(T$ in $K)$ is given by$ \dfrac{C_p}{R} =...
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Water of density $1000 \text{ kg m}^{-3}$ flows in a horizontal pipe of $10 \: cm$ diameter at an average velocity of $0.5 \: m \: s^{-1}$. The following plot shows the p...
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In a double-pipe heat exchanger of $10 \: m$ length, a hot fluid flows in the annulus and a cold fluid flows in the inner pipe. The temperature profiles of the hot $(T_h)...
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In reverse osmosis, the hydraulic pressure and osmotic pressure at the feed side of the membrane are $P_1$ and $\pi_1$, respectively. The corresponding values are $P_2$ a...
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For the function $f(x) = \begin{cases} -x, & x<0 \\ x^2, & x \geq 0 \end{cases}$ the $\text{CORRECT}$ statement(s) is/are$f(x)$ is continuous at $x=1$$f(x) $ is different...
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Which of these symbols can be found in piping and instrumentation diagrams?$(Q)$ and $(S)$ only$(P)$, $(Q)$ and $(R)$ only$(P)$, $(R)$ and $(S)$ only$(P)$, $(Q)$, $(R)$ a...
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Match the common name of chemicals in $\text{Group-1}$ with their chemical formulae in $\text{Group-2}$$\begin{array}{|l|l|l|l|} \hline & \textbf{Group – 1} & & \textbf...
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A system has a transfer function $G(s)= \dfrac{3e^{-4s}}{12s+1}$. When a step change of magnitude $M$ is given to the system input, the final value of the system output i...
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Which of the following is $\text{NOT}$ a standard to transmit measurement and control signals?$4-20 \: \text{mA}$$3-15 \text{ psig}$$0-100\: \%$$1-5 \text{ VDC}$
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Formaldehyde is produced by the oxidation of methane in a reactor. The following two parallel reactions occur.$$CH_4+O_2 \rightarrow HCHO+H_2O \\ CH_4 +2O_2 \rightarrow C...
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A binary liquid mixture consists of two species $1$ and $2$. Let $\gamma$ and $x$ represent the activity coefficient and the mole fraction of the species, respectively. U...