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A batch reactor 1x10$^{5}$ kg of a product per year. The total batch time (in hours) of the reactor is k$\sqrt{P}{_B}$, where ${P}{_B}$is the product per batch in kg and ...
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The block diagram of a system with a proportional controller is shown below A unit step is introduced in the set point. Th...
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The elementary reversible exothermic gas-phase reaction A + 3B $\rightleftharpoons$ 2Cis to be conducted in a non-i...
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The characteristic equation for a system is $S^{3}+9S^{2}+26S+12(2+K{_c}) = 0$.Using the Routh test, the value of $K{_...
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A thermocouple having a linear relationship between $0\;^{\circ}C$ and $350 \:^{\circ}C$ shows an emf of zero and $30.5 \text{ mV}$, respectively at these two temperature...
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An equimolar mixture of $A$ and $B$ (A being more volatile) is flash distilled continuously at a feed rate of $100 \text{ kmol/h}$, such that the liquid product contains ...
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Consider the drying operation shown in the figure below for a solid loading (dry basis) of $50 \text{ kg/m}^{2}$ with a constant drying rate of $5\: \text{kg/m$^{2}$.h.}$...
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The rate-controlling step for the solid-catalyzed irreversible reaction $ A + B \longrightarrow C$is known ...
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In a counter-flow double pipe heat exchanger, oil ($\dot m = 2 \text{ kg/s}, C_p= 2.1 \text{ kJ/kg}.\:^{\circ} C$) is cooled from $90^{\circ}C$ to $40^{\circ} C$ by water...
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Heat generated at a steady rate of $100\: W$ due to resistance heating in a long wire (length = $5\:\text{m}$, diameter = $2\:\text{mm}$). This wire is wrapped with an in...
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For the enclosure formed between two concentric spheres as shown ($R_2 = 2R_1$), the fraction of radiation leaving the surface area $A_2$ that strikes itself is ...
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A bed of spherical glass beads (density $3000 \text{ kg/m$^3$}$, diameter $1\:\text{mm}$, bed porosity $0.5$) is to be fluidized by a liquid of density $1000 \text{ kg/m$...
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Consider a binary liquid mixture at constant temperature $T$ and pressure $P$. If the enthalpy change of mixing, $\Delta H = 5x_1x_2$, where $x_1$ and $x_2$ are the mole ...
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An insulated, evacuated container is connected to a supply line of an ideal gas at pressure $P_s$, temperature $T_s$ and specific volume $V_s$. The container is filled wi...
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The one-dimensional unsteady state heat conduction equation in a hollow cylinder with a constant heat source $q$ is$$ \frac{\partial T}{\partial t}=\frac{1}{r}\frac{\part...
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The Bode stability criterion is applicable whenGain and phase curves decrease continuously with frequencyGain curve increase and phase curve decreases with frequencyGain ...
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A thermometer initially at $100^{ \circ}C$ is dipped at $t = 0$ into an oil bath, maintained at $150^{\circ}C$. If the recorded temperature is $130^{\circ}C$ after $1$ mi...
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The main unit processes used for the production of hydrogen from natural gas are stream reforming $(\text{SR})$, pressure swing adsorption $(\text{PSA})$, low temperature...
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The final boiling points of gasonline, diesel, atmospheric gas oil $\text{(AGO)}$ and lubricating oils vary as gasonline>diesel>$\text{AGO}$ lubricating oilslubricating o...
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In petroleum refining, catalytic reforming is used to convertparaffins and naphthenes to armaticsParaffins to hydrogen and carbon monoxideGas oil to diesel and gasonlineL...
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Consider the reaction scheme shown below $$A \xrightarrow {k_1} B \xrightarrow {k_2}C$$Both the reactions are first-order. The activation energie...
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The half-life of an $n^{th}$ order reaction in a batch reactor depends ononly the rate constantonly the rate constant and the order of the reactiononly the rate constant ...
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For which of the following combinations, does the absorption operation become gas -film controlled?$P$. The solubility of gas in the liquid is very high$Q$. The solubilit...
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In the McCabe-Thiele diagram, if the $x$-coordinate of the point of intersection of the $q$-line and the vapor-liquid equilibrium curve is greater then the $x$-coordinate...
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If the Nusselt number $(\text{Nu})$ for heat transfer in a pipe varies with Reynolds number $(Re)$ as $\text{Nu}$ $ {\displaystyle \propto }\; Re^{0.8}$, then for constan...
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A solid sphere with an initial temperature $T{_1}$ is immersed in a large thermal reservoir of temperature $T{_0}$. The sphere reaches a steady temperature after a certai...
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For heat transfer across a solid-fluid interface, which one of the following statements is $\text{NOT}$ true when the Biot number is very small compared to $1$?Conduction...
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In a mixing tank operating at very high Reynolds number($>10^{4}$), if the diameter of the impeller is doubled (other conditions remaining constant), the power required i...
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For uniform laminar flow(in the $x$-direction) past a flat plate at high Reynolds number, the local boundary layer thickness ($\delta$) varies with the distance along the...
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The local velocity of a fluid along a streamline can be measured byPitot tubeVenturi meterRotameterOrifice meter
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Water is flowing under laminar conditions in a pipe of length $L$. If the diameter of the pipe is doubled, for a constant volumetric flow rate, the pressure drop across t...
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For an exothermic reversible reaction, which one of the following correctly describes the dependence of the equilibrium constant $(K)$ with temperature $(T)$ and pressure...
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In a parallel flow heat exchanger operating under steady state, hot liquid enters at a temperature $T_{h,in}$ and leaves at a temperature $T_{h,out}$. Cold liquid enters ...
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If the temperature of saturated water is increased infinitesimally at constant entropy, the resulting state of water will beLiquidLiquid – vapor coexistenceSaturated va...
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In a throttling process, the pressure of an ideal gas reduce by $50\%$. If $C{_p}$ and $C{_v}$ are the heat capacities at constant pressure and constant volume, respectiv...
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A box containing $10$ identical components has $6$ red balls and $2$ blue balls. If each compartment can hold only one ball, then the number of different possible arrange...
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A hot liquid is to be cooled in a $1-1$ shell and tube heat exchanger from $80^{\circ}C$ to $50^{\circ}C$. Cooling water enters the tube side at $30^{\circ}C$, and exits ...
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In a roll crusher, rolls of diameter $1$ $m$ each are set in such a manner that minimum clearance between the crushing surfaces is $15$ $mm$. If the angle of nip is $31^{...
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The humidity of air at a dry-bulb temperature of $65^{\circ}\:C$ is $0.025$ $kg$ water/$kg$ dry air. The latent heat of vaporization of water at $0^{\circ}\:C$ is $2500$ ...
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Hydrogenation of benzene is to be carried out using $Ni$ (density = $8910$ $kg/m^{3}$) as catalyst, cast in the from of non-porous hollow cylinders, as shown below. The r...