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Liquid water is pumped at a volumetric flow rate of $0.02 \: m^3 s^{-1}$ from Tank $I$ to Tank $II$, as shown in the figure.Both the tanks are open to the atmosphere. The...
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An elementary liquid phase reversible reaction $P \leftrightarrows Q$ is carried out in an ideal continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) operated at steady state. The rate...
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An aqueous suspension at $60^{\circ}C$ is fed to the first effect of a double effect forward feed evaporator with a mass flow rate of $1.25 \: kg \: s^{-1}$. The sum of t...
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A vertically held packed bed has a height of $1 \: m$, and void fraction of $0.1$, when there is no flow through the bed. The incipient (minimum) fluidization is set in b...
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Two ideal cross-current stages operate to extract $P$ from a feed containing $P$ and $Q$, as shown below.The mass flow rates of $P$ and $Q$ fed to Stage $1$ are $1,000 \:...
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Consider a vertically falling film of water over an impermeable wall. The film is in contact with a static pool of an non-reactive pure gas. The gas diffuses into the wat...
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An exothermic, aqueous phase, irreversible, first order reaction, $Y \rightarrow Z$ is carried out in an ideal continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) operated adiabatical...
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The liquid phase irreversible reactions, $P \xrightarrow[]{k_1} Q$ and $P \xrightarrow[]{k_2} R$, are carried out in an ideal continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) opera...
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A catalytic gas phase reaction $P \rightarrow Q$ is conducted in an isothermal packed bed reactor operated at steady state. The reaction is irreversible and second order ...
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Flow of water thorough an equal percentage valve is $900 \text{ litre } h^{-1}$ at $30 \%$ opening, and $1080 \text{ litre } h^{-1}$ at $35 \%$ opening. Assume that the p...
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Consider the following closed loop system.$G_c, G_f$ , and $G_p$ are the transfer functions of the controller, the final control element and the process, respectively. $Y...
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Consider the hyperbolic functions in $\textbf{Group-1}$ and their definitions in $\textbf{Group-2}$.$\begin{array}{llll} & \textbf{Group-1} & & \textbf{Group-2} \\ \textb...
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In a constant-pressure cake filtration with an incompressible cake layer, volume of the filtrate $(V)$ is measured as a function of time $t$. The plot of $t/V$ versus $V$...
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In a laboratory experiment, a unit pulse input of tracer is given to an ideal plug flow reactor operating at steady state with a recycle ratio, $R=1$. The exit age distri...
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The square of Thiele modulus, $M_{T}$, is given by $M_{T}^2 = \dfrac{L^2k}{D_{eff}}$, where $L$ is the characteristic length of the catalyst pellet, $k$ is the rate const...
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Hot-wire anemometer is used for the measurement ofcompositionflowpressuretemperature
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Pure gas $\textbf{P}$ is being absorbed into a liquid. The dissolved $\textbf{P}$ undergoes an irreversible reaction in the liquid film. The reaction is first order with ...
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Consider a batch distillation process for an equimolar mixture of benzene and toluene at atmospheric pressure. The mole fraction of benzene in the distillate collected af...
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Which one of the following is $\textbf{NOT CORRECT}$?nylon$-6,6$ is produced by condensation polymerizationphenol-formaldehyde resin is a thermosetting polymerhigh densit...
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The operating temperature range for the Haber process is $350-500^{\circ}C$. It is used for the production of ammonia at$20 \:MPa$ using $Fe$ catalyst in an exothermic re...
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Consider the refinery processes in $\textbf{Group-I}$ and the catalysts in $\textbf{Group-2}$.$\begin{array}{llll} & \textbf{Group-I} && \textbf{Group-2} \\ \textbf{P} & ...
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Consider the processes in $\textbf{Group – 1}$ and the reactions in $\textbf{Group – 2}$.$\begin{array}{llll} & \textbf{Group – 1} & & \textbf{Group – 2} \\ \text...
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Annual capacity of a plant producing phenol is $100$ metric tons. Phenol sells at INR $200$ per kg, and its production cost is INR $50$ per kg. The sum of annual fixed ch...
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A rigid spherical particle undergoes free settling in a liquid of density $750 \: kg \: m^{-3}$ and viscosity $9.81 \times 10^{-3} \: Pa \: s$. Density of the particle is...
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Consider an incompressible flow of a constant property fluid over a smooth, thin and wide flat plate. The free stream flows parallel to the surface of the plate along its...
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Ratio of momentum diffusivity to thermal diffusivity isReynolds numberPrandtl numberNusselt numberPeclet number
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Mole fraction and activity coefficient of component $1$ in a binary liquid mixture are $x_1$ and $\gamma _1$ respectively. $G^E$ is excess molar Gibbs energy of the mixtu...
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Leidenfrost phenomenon refers tothe condensation of vapour on a cold surfacethe exchange of heat between two solidsthe melting of frostfilm boiling and evaporation of liq...
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Consider a rigid, perfectly insulated, container partitioned into two unequal parts by a thin membrane (see figure). One part contains one mole of an ideal gas at pressur...
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For a single component system, vapor (subscript $g$) and liquid (subscript $f$) coexist in mechanical, thermal and phase equilibrium when$u_{g}=u_{f}$ (equality of specif...
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For a binary nonideal $A-B$ mixture exhibiting a minimum boiling azeotrope, the activity coefficients, $\gamma_{i} \left ( i=A, B \right )$, must satisfy$\gamma _{A} 1,\g...
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For a fully-developed turbulent hydrodynamic boundary layer for flow past a flat plate, the thickness of the boundary layer increases with distance $x$ from the leading e...
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Consider a cylinder (diameter $D$ and length $D$), a sphere (diameter $D$) and a cube (side length $D$). Which of the following statements concerning the sphericity $\lef...
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Prandtl number signifies the ratio of$\frac{Momentum \: Diffusivity}{Thermal \: Diffusivity}$$\frac{Mass \: Diffusivity}{Thermal \: Diffusivity}$$\frac{Thermal \: Diffusi...
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Pool boiling equipment operating above ambient temperature is usually designed to operatefar above the critical heat fluxnear the critical heat fluxfar above the Leidenfr...
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The desired liquid-phase reaction$D+E\overset{k_{1}}{\rightarrow}F \:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:r_{F}=k_{1}\:C_{D}^{2}\:C_{E}^{0.3}$is accompanied by an undesired side reaction$D+E\...
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For a first order reaction in a porous spherical catalyst pellet, diffiusional effects are most likely to lower the observed rate of reaction for slow reaction in a pell...
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A thermocouple senses temperature based on theNernst Effect Maxwell Effect Seebeck EffectPeltier Effect
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The correct expression for the Colburn $j$-factor for mass transfer that relates Sherwood number ($Sh$), Reynolds number ($Re$) and Schmidt number ($Sc$) is$\frac{Sh}{\le...
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In the drying of non-dissolving solids at constant drying conditions, the internal movement of moisture in the solid has a dominant effect on the drying rate duringthe in...