Highest voted questions in Others

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Critical speed of a ball mill depends onthe radius of the mill (shell) and the radius of the particlesthe radius of the mill (shell) and the density of the particlesthe r...
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Economy of evaporators used for concentrating sugarcane juice is$\frac{kg\:of\:concentrated\:juice\:produced}{kg\:of\:steam\:supplied}$$\frac{kg\:of\:steam\:supplied}{kg\...
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Segmental baffles in a $2-4$ shell and tube heat exchangerchange the flow pattern of the tube side fluid and increase the overall heat transfer co-efficientincrease the h...
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–1 votes
In a batch drying experiment, a solid with a critical moisture content of $0.2 \: kg$ $H_2O/kg$ dry solid is dried from an initial moisture content of $0.35 \: kg$ $H_2O/...
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Annual capacity of a plant producing phenol is $100$ metric tons. Phenol sells at INR $200$ per kg, and its production cost is INR $50$ per kg. The sum of annual fixed ch...