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Water in a container at $290 \mathrm{~K}$ is exposed to air containing $3 \% ~ \mathrm{CO}_2$ by volume. Air behaves like an ideal gas and is maintained at $100 ~ \mathrm...
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For a reversible endothermic chemical reaction with constant heat of reaction over the operating temperature range, $K$ is the thermodynamic equilibrium constant. Which o...
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Consider the tank level control system shown in the figure, where the cross-section area of the tank is $A$. Assume perfect flow controllers $\text{(FC)}$. The level cont...
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The wall of a pipe of radius $1\:m$ is at a uniform temperature of $200\:^{\circ}C$, and is covered by insulation of thickness $0.1\:m$. The ambient air outside the ins...
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Which one of the following is the CORRECT value of $y,$ as defined by the expression given below? $$y=\lim _{x \rightarrow 0} \frac{2 x}{e^x-1}$$$1$$2$$0$$\infty$
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Consider a system where a Carnot engine is operating between a source and a sink. Which of the following statements about this system is/are $\text{NOT}$ correct?This eng...
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A packed distillation column, with vapor having an average molecular weight of $45 \mathrm{~kg} \cdot \mathrm{kmol}^{-1}$, density of $2 \mathrm{~kg} \cdot \mathrm{m}^{-3...
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A student performs a flow experiment with Bingham Plastic under fully developed laminar flow conditions in a tube of radius $0.01 \: m$ with a pressure drop $(\Delta P)$ ...
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A liquid $\boldsymbol{L}$ containing a dissolved gas $\boldsymbol{S}$ is stripped in a countercurrent operation using a pure carrier gas $\boldsymbol{V}$. The liquid phas...
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​​​​​In a locality, the houses are numbered in the following way:The house-numbers on one side of a road are consecutive odd integers starting from $301$, while...
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​​​​​If ' $\rightarrow$ ' denotes increasing order of intensity, then the meaning of the words [simmer $\rightarrow$ seethe $\rightarrow$ smolder] is analogous ...
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For a single component system, vapor (subscript $g$) and liquid (subscript $f$) coexist in mechanical, thermal and phase equilibrium when$u_{g}=u_{f}$ (equality of specif...
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In the elutriation leg of a commercial crystallizer containing a mixture of coarse and very fine crystals of the same material, a liquid is pumped vertically upward. The ...
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The transfer function of a measuring instrument is$$G_m(s)=\frac{1.05}{2 s+1} \exp (-s) .$$At time $t=0$, a step change of $+1$ unit is introduced in the input of this in...
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The area of a circular field is $25\: m^{2}$. The radius, $r$, is to be determined using the Newton-Raphson iterative method. For an initial guess of $r = 2.500\: m$, the...
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During a half-moon phase, the Earth-Moon-Sun form a right triangle. If the Moon-Earth-Sun angle at this half-moon phase is measured to be $89.85^{\circ}$, the ratio of th...
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The decomposition of acetaldehyde $(X)$ to methane and carbon monoxide follows four-step free radical mechanism. The overall rate of decomposition of $X$ is $$-r_X=k_2 \b...
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The most common catalyst used for oxidation of $o$-xylene to phthalic anhydride is$V_{2}O_{5}$$Pd$$Pt$$Ag$
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A perfectly insulated double pipe heat exchanger is operating at steady state. Saturated steam enters the inner pipe at $100^{\circ}C$ and leaves as saturated water at $1...
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A source placed at the origin of a circular sample holder (radius $r=1 \: m$) emits particles uniformly in all directions. A detector of length $l=1 \: cm$ has been place...
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The enthalpy $\left(H\right.$, in J. $\left.\mathrm{mol}^{-1}\right)$ of a binary liquid system at constant temperature and pressure is given as$$H=40 x_1+60 x_2+x_1 x_2\...
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Producer gas is obtained bypassing air through red hot cokethermal cracking of naphthapassing steam through red hot cokepassing air and steam through red hot coke
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Burning of methane in a combustor yields carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and water vapor. Methane is fed to the combustor at $100 \mathrm{~mol} . \mathrm{hr}^{-1}$, of w...
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A fluid is flowing steadily under laminar conditions over a thin rectangular plate at temperature $T_s$ as shown in the figure below. The velocity and temperature of the ...
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The combination that correctly matches the polymer in Group-$1$ with the polymerization reaction type in Group-$2$ is $$\begin{array}{lclc}\&\text{Group-1} & &\text{Group...
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If the flow rate of B is 2400 kg/h, then the theoretical number of stages in the column, using Kremser’s equation (adjusted to the next integer) is591113
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An azeotropic mixture of ethanol and water is to be separated in a distillation column using benzene as an entrainer. At the column operating conditions, two liquid phase...
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For a shell-and-tube heat exchanger, the clean overall heat transfer coefficient is calculated as $\text{250 W m$^{-2}$ K}^{-1}$ for a specific process condition. It is e...
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The liquid flow rate through an equal percentage control valve, when fully open, is $150$ gal/min and the corresponding pressure drop is $50$ psi. If the specific gravity...
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A binary system at a constant pressure with species $’1’$ and $’2’$ is described by the two-suffix Margules equation, $\frac{g^{E}}{RT}=3x_{1}x_{2}$, where $g^{E}...
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Choose the option that correctly pairs the given measurement devices with the quantities they measure.$$\begin{array}{ccc} \hline\text{S No} & \text{Measurement Device} &...
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Consider two non-interacting tanks-in-series as shown in figure. Water enters $TANK$ $1$ at $q$ $cm^{3}/s$ and drains down to $TANK$ $2$ by gravity at a rate $k\sqrt{h_{1...
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Consider the equilibrium data for methanol-water system at $1$ bar given in the future below.A distillation column operating at $1.0$ bar is required to produce $92 \: mo...
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Consider a vessel containing steam at $180^{\circ}C$.The initial steam quality is $0.5$ and the initial volume of the vessel in $1$ $m^{3}$. The vessel loses heat at a co...
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A principal amount is charged a nominal annual interest rate of $10 \%$. If the interest rate is compounded continuously, the final amount at the end of the one year woul...
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Consider steady, laminar, fully developed flow of an incompressible Newtonian fluid through two horizontal straight pipes, $I$ and $II$, of circular cross section. The vo...
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The composition of vapour entering a tray in a distillation column is $0.47$. The average composition of the vapour leaving the tray is $0.53$. The equilibrium compositio...
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Partially saturated air at $1 \; \mathrm{bar}$ and $50^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$ is contacted with water in an adiabatic saturator. The air is cooled and humidified to saturati...
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Consider a vapour-liquid mixture of components $A$ and $B$ that obeys Raoult's law. The vapour pressure of $A$ is half that of $B$. The vapour phase concentrations of $A$...
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The viscosity of an incompressible Newtonian fluid is measured using a capillary tube of diameter $0.5 \mathrm{~mm}$ and length $1.5 \mathrm{~m}$. The fluid flow is lamin...