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The elementary liquid-phase irreversible reactions$A\overset{k_{1}=0.4\: min^{-1}}{\rightarrow}B\overset{k_{2}=0.1\:min^{-1}}{\rightarrow}C$take place in an isothermal id...
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The transfer function for the disturbance response in an open-loop process is given by $G_{d}^{open}(s)$. The corresponding transfer function for the disturbance response...
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A person is drowning in sea at location $R$ and the lifeguard is standing at location $P$. The beach boundary is straight and horizontal, as shown in the figure.The lifeg...
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Given that$$F=\frac{\left|z_1+z_2\right|}{\left|z_1\right|+\left|z_2\right|},$$where $z_1=2+3 i$ and $z_2=-2+3 i$ with $i=\sqrt{-1}$, which one of the following options i...
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The terminal velocity of a spherical particle in gravitational settling under Stokes’ regime varieslinearly with the particle diameterlinearly with the viscosity of the...
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Consider the two countercurrent heat exchanger designs for heating a cold stream from $t_{in}$ to $t_{out}$ as shown in figure. The hot process stream is available at $T_...
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Match the products in Group $1$ with the manufacturing processes in Group $2$ listed in the table below.$$\begin{array}{|l|l|} \hline \quad \; \textbf{Group 1} & \; \qqua...
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Given matrix $A = \begin{bmatrix} x & 1 & 3\\ y & 2 & 6\\ 3 & 5 & 7 \end{bmatrix}$, the ordered pair $(x, y)$ for which $\text{det}(A) = 0 $ is$(1, 1)$$(1, 2)$$(2, 2)$$(2...
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A bed of spherical glass beads (density $3000 \text{ kg/m$^3$}$, diameter $1\:\text{mm}$, bed porosity $0.5$) is to be fluidized by a liquid of density $1000 \text{ kg/m$...
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​​​​​​In the given text, the blanks are numbered $\text{(i)-(iv)}$. Select the best match for all the blanks.From the ancient Athenian arena to the modern Oly...
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For a single component system at vapor-liquid equilibrium, the extensive variables $\text{A,V, S and N}$ denote the Helmholtz free energy, volume, entropy, and number of ...
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$5$ moles of liquid benzene, $8$ moles of liquid toluene and $7$ moles of liquid xylene are mixed at $25^{\circ}C$ and $1$ bar. Assuming the formation of an ideal solutio...
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In a solvent regeneration process, a gas is used to strip a solute from a liquid in a countercurrent packed tower operating under isothermal condition. Pure gas is used i...
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A vertical cylindrical vessel has a layer of kerosene (of density $800\: kg/m^{3}$) over a layer of water (of density $1000 \:kg/m^{3}$). $L$ – shaped glass tubes are c...
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In a closed piston-cylinder system, methane was observed to obey the following equation of state$$P\left ( V-nb \right )=nRT$$where $b=0.029\:m^{3}$/mol. The temperature ...
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In the figure below, the temperature profiles of cold and hot fluids in counter double pipe heat exchangers (in different modes of operation) are shown on the left. For e...
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The block diagram of a system with a proportional controller is shown below A unit step is introduced in the set point. Th...
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For a two-dimensional plane, the unit vectors, $\left(\hat{e}_r, \hat{e}_\theta\right)$ of the polar coordinate system and $(\hat{\imath}, \hat{\jmath})$ of the cartesian...
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Nitrile rubber is manufactured via polymerization process. Which one of the following options is the $\text{CORRECT}$ pair of monomers used in this process?Acrylonitrile ...
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A slab of thickness $L$, as shown in the figure below, has cross-sectional area $A$ and constant thermal conductivity $k. T_1$ and $T_2$ are the temperatures at $x=0$ and...
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Consider interphase mass transfer of a species $S$ between two immiscible liquids $A$ and $B$. The interfacial mass transfer coefficient ot $S$ in liquid $A$ is twice of ...
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Hydrogenation of benzene is to be carried out using $Ni$ (density = $8910$ $kg/m^{3}$) as catalyst, cast in the from of non-porous hollow cylinders, as shown below. The r...
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Consider a tray-column of diameter $120 \mathrm{~cm}$. Each downcomer has a cross-sectional area of $575 \mathrm{~cm}^{2}$. For a tray, the percentage column cross-sectio...
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Simpson's one-third rule is used to estimate the definite integral$$I=\int_{-1}^1 \sqrt{\left(1-x^2\right)} d x$$with an interval length of $0.5.$ Which one of the follow...
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In an enzymatic reaction, an inhibitor $(I)$ competes with the substrate $(S)$ to bind with the enzyme $(E)$, thereby reducing the rate of product $(P)$ formation. The co...
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Consider a cylinder (diameter $D$ and length $D$), a sphere (diameter $D$) and a cube (side length $D$). Which of the following statements concerning the sphericity $\lef...
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A cash flow of Rs. $12,000$ per year is received at the end year (uniform periodic payment) for $7$ consecutive years. The rate of interest is $9\%$ per year compounded a...
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A binary distillation column is operating with a mixed feed containing $20$ mol$\%$ vapour. If the feed quality is changed to $80$ mol$\%$ vapour, the change is the slope...
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Match the quantities in Group $1$ with their units in Group $2$ listed in the table below.$$\begin{array}{|l|l|} \hline \qquad \qquad \qquad \textbf{Group 1} & \textbf{Gr...
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Orsat analysis showing the composition (in $\text{mol} \%,$ on a dry basis) of a stack gas is given in the table below. The humidity measurement reveals that the mole fra...
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An irreversible liquid-phase second-order reaction$$\boldsymbol{A} \stackrel{k}{\longrightarrow} \boldsymbol{B}$$with rate constant $k=0.2$ liter. $\mathrm{mol}^{-1} \mat...
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A jacketed stirred tank with a provision for heat removal is used to mix sulphuric acid and water in a steady state flow process. $H_{2}SO_{4}$ $(l)$ enters at a rate of ...
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For positive integers $p$ and $q$, with $\frac{p}{q} \neq 1,\left(\frac{p}{q}\right)^{\frac{p}{q}}=p^{\left(\frac{p}{q}-1\right)}$. Then,$q^{p}=p^{q}$$q^{p}=p^{2 q}$$\sqr...
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​​​​​A homogeneous azeotropic distillation process separates an azeotropic $AB$ binary feed using a heavy entrainer, $E$, as shown in the figure. The loss of $E...
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A process described by the transfer function $$G_{P}\left ( s \right ) = \frac{\left ( 10s +1 \right )}{5s + 1}$$ is forced by a unit step input at time $t = 0$. The outp...
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An incompressible Newtonian fluid flows in a pipe of diameter $D_{1}$ at volumetric flow rate $Q$. Fluid with same properties flows in another pipe of diameter $D_{2}=D_...
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Consider the following two cases for a binary mixture of ideal gases $A$ and $B$ under steady state conditions. In case $1$, the diffusion pf $A$ occurs through non-diffu...
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Catalytic reforming is commonly used in the petroleum industry to improve fuel quality. The undesirable reaction in the catalytic reforming of naphtha isHydrocracking of ...
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Information for a proposed greenfield project is provided in the table. The discounted cash flow for the fourth year is Rs ___________________ crores (rounded off to one ...
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Wet air containing $10$ mole percent water vapor is dried by continuously passing it through a column of $\mathrm{CaCl}_2$ pellets. The pellets remove $50$ percent of wat...