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Which $ONE$ of the following statements is $CORRECT$ for the surface renewal theory?Mass transfer takes place at steady stateMass transfer takes place at unsteady stateCo...
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For the computation of Ziegler-Nichols settings, the ultimate period (in s/cycle) and the ultimate gain are $\pi$ and $0.8$, respectively$4\pi$ and $0.8$, respectively$4\...
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Consider the following transfer function $G_p(s) = \dfrac{5}{(2s+1)^4}$(Note: The unit of the processor time constan...
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In order to produce fine solid particles between $5$ and $10\:\ \mu m$, the appropriate size reducing equipment isfluid energy millhammer milljaw crushersmooth roll crush...
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Match the following$\bf{Group 1}$ $\bf{Group 2}$(P) Viscosity (1) Pyrometer(Q) Pressure ...
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Consider the following block diagram for a closed-loop feedback control system A proportional controller is being used with $K_{c}=-4$. If a step change in distrubance of...
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A polymer plant with a production capacity of $10,000$ tons per year has an overall yield of $70\%$, on mass basis ($kg$ of product per $kg$ of raw material), The raw mat...
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The mass balance for a fluid with density ($\rho$) and velocity ($\overrightarrow{V}$) is$\frac{\partial\rho}{\partial{t}}$ + $\bigtriangledown$.($\rho\overrightarrow{V}$...
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An incompressible fluid is flowing through a contraction section of length $L$ and has a $1-D$ ($x$- direction steady state velocity distribution, $u=u_{0}\left ( 1+\frac...
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A spherical ball of benzoic acid (diameter=$1.5\:cm$) is submerged in a pool of still water. The solubility and diffusively of benzoic acid in water are $0.03$ $k$mol/$m^...
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If $f(x)$ is a real and continuous function of $x$, the Taylor series expansion of $f(x)$ about its minima will $NEVER$ have a term containingfirst derivativesecond deriv...
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The vapor-liquid equilibrium curve of a binary mixture A-B,may be approximated by a linear equation over a narrow range of liquid mole fractions (0.2 < x${_A}$ < 0.3) as...
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An incompressible Newtonian fluid , filled in an angular gap between two concentric cylinders of radii $R_{1}$ and $R_{2}$ as shown in the figure, is flowing under steady...
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For heat transfer across a solid-fluid interface, which one of the following statements is $\text{NOT}$ true when the Biot number is very small compared to $1$?Conduction...
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Calculate the heat required (in kJ, up to 1 digit after the decimal point) to raise the temperature of 1 mole of a solid material from 100 $^{o}$C to 1000 $^{o}$C. The sp...
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Match the process in Group I with the catalyst in Group II Group I ...
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Match the raw materials of Group-$1$ and $2$ with the final products of Group-$3$$$\begin{array}&&\textbf{Group 1} & \textbf{Group 2} & \textbf{Group 3} \\ &\text{P$_{1}$...
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A process with transfer function, $G_{p}=\frac{2}{s-1}$ is to be controlled by a feedback proportional controller with a gain $K_{c}$. If the transfer functions of all ot...
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The gas phase decomposition of azomethane to give ethane and nitrogen takes place according to the following sequence of elementary reactions.(CH${_3}){_2}$N${_2}$ + (CH$...
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A binary liquid mixture is in equilibrium with its vapor at a temperature T = 300 K. The liquid mole fraction x${_1}$ of species 1 is 0.4 and the molar excess Gibbs free ...
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The bottom face of a horizontal slab of thickness $6 \:mm$ is maintained at $300^{\circ}C$. The top face is exposed to a flowing gas at $30^{\circ}C$. The thermal conduct...
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A spherical storage vessel is quarter-filled with toluene. The diameter of the vent at the top of the vessel is $1/20^{th}$ of the diameter of the vessel. Under the stead...
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For a Newtonian fluid flowing in a circular pipe under steady state conditions in fully developed laminar flow, the fanning friction factor is0.046Re$^{-0.2}$0.0014 + $\f...
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A Newtonian fluid of viscosity $\mu$ flows between two parallel plates due to the motion of the bottom plate (as shown below), which is moved with a velocity $V$. The top...
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Consider a binary liquid mixture at equilibrium with its vapour at $25^{\circ}C$.Antoine equation for this system is given as $log_{10}\:p_{t}^{sat}=A-\frac{B}{t+C}$ wher...
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The purchase cost of a heat exchanger of 20 m$^{2}$ area was Rs 500000 in 2006. What will be the estimated cost (in Rs to the nearest integer) of a similar heat exchanger...
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A unit gain 2$^{nd}$ order underdamped process has a period of oscillation 1 second and decay ratio 0.25. The transfer function of the process is$\frac{1}{0.024s^2 + 0.06...
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The overall rates of an isothermal catalytic reaction using spherical catalyst particles of diameters 1 mm and 2 mm are $r_A$$_1$ and $r_A$$_2$ (in mol (kg-catalyst)$^{-1...
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A gaseous system contains H${_2}$,I${_2}$ and HI, which participate in the gas-phase reaction 2H...
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Match the following $$\begin{array}&&\textbf{Group I} & \textbf{Group II} \\ &\text{P. $\left [ \frac{\partial G}{\partial n_{i}} \right ]_{T,P,n_{\int =i}}$} & \text{I....
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From the following list, identify the properties which are equal in both vapour and liquid phases at equilibriumDensityTemperatureChemical potentialEnthalpy$P$ and $Q$ on...
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The vapor liquid equilibrium relation for an ideal binary system is given by y*${_A}$ = $\frac{\alpha{_A}{_B}x{_A}}{...
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In a steady incompressible flow, the velocity distribution is given by $\bar{V}=3x\hat{i}-Py\hat{j}+5z\hat{k}$, where, $V$ is in $m/s$ and $x,y$ and $z$ are in $m$. In or...
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Catalytic cracking isa hydrogen addition processa carbon rejection processan exothermic processa coking process
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Assuming the mass transfer coefficient in the gas and the liquid phases are comparable, the absorption of $CO_{2}$ from reformers gas $(CO_{2}+H_{2})$ into an aqueous sol...
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Liquid reactant A decomposes as follows A $\rightarrow$ R r${_R} $= k${_1}$C$^{2}$${_A}$ k${_1}$ = 0.5m$^{3}$/mol-s...
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A control value, with a turndown ratio of 50, follows equal percentage characteristics. The flow rate of a liquid through the value at 40% stem positions is 1 m$^{3}$/h. ...
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Taking the acceleration due to gravity to be 10 m/s$^{2}$, the separation factor of a cyclone 0.5 m in diameter and having a tangential velocity of 20m/s near the wall is...
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The thermodynamic state of a closed system containing a pure fluid changes from $(T1,p1)$ to $(T2, p2)$, where $T$ and $p$ denote the temperature and pressure, respective...
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A thermocouple having a linear relationship between $0\;^{\circ}C$ and $350 \:^{\circ}C$ shows an emf of zero and $30.5 \text{ mV}$, respectively at these two temperature...