Most answered questions in Others

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The molar excess Gibbs free energy $(g^{E})$ of a liquid mixture of $A$ and $B$ is given by $$\frac{g^{E}}{RT} = x_{A}x_{B}\left [ C_{1} + C_{2} \left ( x_{A} - x_{B} \ri...
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For a pure substance, the following data at saturated conditions are given:$$\begin{array}{cccc}\text{ln}\:{P^{\text{sat}} (\text{bar})} & \text{T (K)} \\ 0.693 & 350 \\ ...
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Consider the process flowsheet in the figure. An irreversible liquid-phase reaction $A \rightarrow B$ (reaction rate $-r_{A} = 164 \:x_{A}\text{ kmol }m^{-3}\:h^{-1}$) oc...
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Two reservoirs located at the same altitude are connected by a straight horizontal pipe of length $120\:m$ and inner diameter $0.5\:m$, as shown in the figure. A pump tra...
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A venturi meter (venturi coefficient, $C_{v} = 0.98$) is connected to a pipe of inner diameter $50$ $\text{mm}$. Water (density $1000\:kg\:m^{-3}$) is flowing through the...
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In a constant-rate cake filtration operation, the collected filtrate volumes are $120\:m^{3}$ and $240\:m^{3}$ at $1$ min and $2$ min, respectively. Assume the cake resis...
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A cylindrical fin of diameter $24$ $\text{mm}$ is attached horizontally to a vertical planar wall. The heat transfer rate from the tin to the surrounding ar is $60\%$ of ...
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A single-effect evaporator with a heat transfer area of $70\:m^{2}$ concentrates a salt solution using steam. The salt solution feed rate and temperature are $10000\:kg\:...
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An equimolar binary mixture is to be separated in a simple tray-distillation column. The feed rate is $50\text{ kmol min}^{-1}$ . The mole fractions of the more volatile ...
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The dry-bulb temperature of air in a room is $30^{\circ}C$. The Antoine equation for wateris given as $$\text{ln} P^{sat} = 12.00 -\frac{4000}{T - 40}$$ where $T$ is the ...
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In the block diagram shown in the figure, the transfer function $G = \dfrac{K}{\left ( \tau s + 1 \right )}$ with $K 0$ and $\tau 0$. The maximum value of $K$ below whi...
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Consider the tank level control system shown in the figure, where the cross-section area of the tank is $A$. Assume perfect flow controllers $\text{(FC)}$. The level cont...
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Consider a single-input-single-output $\text{(SISO)}$ system with the transfer function $$G_{P}\left ( s \right ) =\frac{2\left ( s + 1 \right )}{\left ( \dfrac{1}{2} s +...
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Information for a proposed greenfield project is provided in the table. The discounted cash flow for the fourth year is Rs ___________________ crores (rounded off to one ...
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Consider the process in the figure. The liquid phase elementary reactions $$A + B \rightarrow P \:\:\:\: -r_{B1} = k_{1}\:x_{A}\:x_{B}$$ $$P + B \rightarrow S \:\:\:\: -r...
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An elementary irreversible liquid-phase reaction, $2A \rightarrow B$, is carried out under isothermal conditions in a $1\:m^{3}$ ideal plug flow reactor $\text{(PFR)}$ as...
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An elementary irreversıble gas-phase reaction, $A \rightarrow B + C$, is carried out at fixed temperature and pressure in two separate ideal reactors: $(i)$ a $10\:m^{3}...
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An elementary irreversible liquid-phase reaction, $2P \overset{k}{\rightarrow}Q$, where the rate constant $k = 2\:L\:\text{mol}^{-1}\:\text{min} ^{-1}$, takes place in an...
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The heat of combustion of methane, carbon monoxide and hydrogen are $P$, $Q$ and $R$ respectively. For the reaction below, $$CH_4+H_2O \rightarrow CO+3H_2$$ the heat of r...
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A batch settling experiment is performed in a long column using a dilute dispersion containing equal number of particles of type $A$ and type $B$ in water (density $1000 ...
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Heat transfer coefficient for a vapor condensing as a film on a vertical surface is given byDittus-Boelter equationNusselt theoryChilton-Colburn analogySieder-Tate equati...
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In a double-pipe heat exchanger of $10 \: m$ length, a hot fluid flows in the annulus and a cold fluid flows in the inner pipe. The temperature profiles of the hot $(T_h)...
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For a shell-and-tube heat exchanger, the clean overall heat transfer coefficient is calculated as $\text{250 W m$^{-2}$ K}^{-1}$ for a specific process condition. It is e...
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In reverse osmosis, the hydraulic pressure and osmotic pressure at the feed side of the membrane are $P_1$ and $\pi_1$, respectively. The corresponding values are $P_2$ a...
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Ethylene adsorbs on the vacant active sites $V$ of a transition metal catalyst according to the following mechanism.If $N_T, N_V$ and $N_{C_2H_4}$ denote the total number...
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Which of the following is $\text{NOT}$ a standard to transmit measurement and control signals?$4-20 \: \text{mA}$$3-15 \text{ psig}$$0-100\: \%$$1-5 \text{ VDC}$
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A feedforward controller can be used only ifthe disturbance variable can be measuredthe disturbance variable can be manipulatedthe disturbance variable can be ignoredregu...
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Turnover ratio is defined as$\dfrac{\text{Fixed capital investment}}{\text{Gross annual sales}} \\$$\dfrac{\text{Gross annual sales}}{\text{Fixed capital investment}} \\$...
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A principal amount is charged a nominal annual interest rate of $10 \%$. If the interest rate is compounded continuously, the final amount at the end of the one year woul...
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Match the common name of chemicals in $\text{Group-1}$ with their chemical formulae in $\text{Group-2}$$\begin{array}{|l|l|l|l|} \hline & \textbf{Group – 1} & & \textbf...
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Feed solution $\textbf{F}$ is contacted with solvent $\textbf{B}$ in an extraction process. Carrier liquid in the feed if $\textbf{A}$ and the solute is $\textbf{C}$. The...
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The inherent characteristics of the three control valves $P$, $Q$ and $R$ are shown in the figure.The $\text{CORRECT}$ option(s) is/are$P$ is a quick opening valve$Q$ is ...
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A source placed at the origin of a circular sample holder (radius $r=1 \: m$) emits particles uniformly in all directions. A detector of length $l=1 \: cm$ has been place...
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The van der Waals equation of the state is given by$$P_r = \dfrac{8T_r}{3v_r-1} – \dfrac{3}{v_r^2}$$where $P_r$, $T_r$ and $v_r$ represent reduced pressure, reduced tem...
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Consider a steady flow of an incompressible, Newtonian fluid through a smooth circular pipe. Let $\alpha_{\textit{laminar}}$ and $\alpha_{\textit{turbulent}}$ denote the ...
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The molar heat capacity at constant pressure $C_p$ (in $\text{J mol}^{-1} K^{-1}$) for $n$-pentane as a function of temperature $(T$ in $K)$ is given by$ \dfrac{C_p}{R} =...
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The following homogeneous liquid phase reactions are at equilibrium,The values of rate constants are given by: $k_1 = 0.1 s^{-1}$, $k_{-1}=0.2 s^{-1}, k_2 = 1 s^{-1}, k_{...
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A company invests in a recovery unit to separate valuable metals from effluent streams. The total initial capital investment of this unit is Rs. $10$ lakhs. The recovered...
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Consider a fluid confined between two horizontal parallel plates and subjected to shear flow.In the first experiment, the plates are separated by a distance of $1 \: mm$....
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Water of density $1000 \text{ kg m}^{-3}$ flows in a horizontal pipe of $10 \: cm$ diameter at an average velocity of $0.5 \: m \: s^{-1}$. The following plot shows the p...